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NBA Offseason thread

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We cant even quietly take this L cause everywhere I look Knicks are the story.

Which is why as disappointing as this all is the Nets will never be the premiere franchise in New York. Knicks fans are some of the best fans in all of sports. We're cautiously optimistic while being realistic in our expectations. We know what we are, we know what we've been and we're loyal to the soil. KD doesn't have enough career left at peak to change what the Knicks fanbase is. Even if they win a title and especially after sitting a year out coming off an achilles injury.

That's why the Garden is always rocking no matter our record. It's why players love playing in New York and go for career highs as people love to constantly remind us. It's why the Nets have been bottom in attendance the last several years. I commend the rebuild job the Nets have put together but there's a reason people aren't talking about lineups, rotations and projections the way they are for all the other top teams in the league. It's because even in their greatest moment the Nets are still in the Knicks shadow. This is coming from someone born and raised in Brooklyn.

On a slight aside; Stephen A needs to quit the buffoon act. He is a piss poor representation of true Knicks fans. Knicks fans are a lot more rational than the Internet & mainstream sports media makes us out to be. Shit isn't all doom and gloom. And as far as Plan B's go, we've done the franchise and young players well with our free agency moves. Summed up in these tweets:

We've put ourselves in position to be similar to what the Nets were these last few years if our young guys continue to develop. All while avoiding the idiotic signings that have pitfalled us in years prior.

Knicks fans please stop being manipulated by the mainstream sports media. Your passion for the orange and blue is being used to drive clicks, views and ratings. And all for piss poor analysis and break downs of where we stand as a franchise. If you want legit news and analysis on the team, other than the local papers, try these spots:

https://twitter.com/KnickFilmSchool (currently got suspended in the midst of all the free agency madness but should be back up soon)

Now let me end this long winded rant with #KnicksTape
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Which is why as disappointing as this all is the Nets will never be the premiere franchise in New York. Knicks fans are some of the best fans in all of sports. We're cautiously optimistic while being realistic in our expectations. We know what we are, we know what we've been and we're loyal to the soil. KD doesn't have enough career left at peak to change what the Knicks fanbase is. Even if they win a title and especially after sitting a year out coming off an achilles injury.

That's why the Garden is always rocking no matter our record. It's why players love playing in New York and go for career highs as people love to constantly remind us. It's why the Nets have been bottom in attendance the last several years. I commend the rebuild job the Nets have put together but there's a reason people aren't talking about lineups, rotations and projections the way they are for all the other top teams in the league. It's because even in their greatest moment the Nets are still in the Knicks shadow. This is coming from someone born and raised in Brooklyn.

On a slight aside; Stephen A needs to quit the buffoon act. He is a piss poor representation of true Knicks fans. Knicks fans are a lot more rational than the Internet & mainstream sports media makes us out to be. Shit isn't all doom and gloom. And as far as Plan B's go, we've done the franchise and young players well with our free agency moves. Summed up in these tweets:

We've put ourselves in position to be similar to what the Nets were these last few years if our young guys continue to develop. All while avoiding the idiotic signings that have pitfalled us in years prior.

Knicks fans please stop being manipulated by the mainstream sports media. Your passion for the orange and blue is being used to drive clicks, views and ratings. And all for piss poor analysis and break downs of where we stand as a franchise. If you want legit news and analysis on the team, other than the local papers, try these spots:

https://twitter.com/KnickFilmSchool (currently got suspended in the midst of all the free agency madness but should be back up soon)

Now let me end this long winded rant with #KnicksTape

I think alot of casual fans are pissed because the Knicks didn't get any big names this free agency. You have to remember most of the fans are casual and only know big names the media has assisted in hyping.

I agree with you that the Knicks are going about rebuilding the correct way with signing solid younger players on short term deals. Since they struck out with the big names this is a great way to rebuild. If the guys on short term deals play well they can be trade bait for draft picks or even younger project players.

If the Knicks draft well and stock more picks they will be better sooner as opposed to later
Btw what cheap vet rebounding big is out there? I want a older player with clout for Jimmy to bond with and be the Wiseman on the team That can actually grab boards because I feel like we might have issues rebounding

Our perimeter D will be EXCELLENT between winslow, Butler, and Bam
Glad we signed Thomas Bryant back.

Hate that boy lover Dwight Howard coming back though.

The stains of Ernie Grunfailed still lives on!!
Yeah but think about it..You replacing horford with kanter and cousins lol

Lol horrible on D combined with kemba in the backcourt

Better than what we have now and honestly Cousins would be a disaster here..

But I want to be entertained cot damn it!

Shit throw Taco on the main roster too for the f of it.....(eventhough he ain't making it out of the summer league
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