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Music vs Movies/shows. Which is more influential and impactful?


Here to point out the illogical
Bit of a long read but I hope people read and join in.

This convo comes from that Takeoff thread. @Dwayne. I want to hear your thoughts as well since I saw you bring this up. Didnt want to put this in the Take off thread.

Simply put, is music more influential than visual entertainment like movies and TV shows? What has the bigger impact to affect people's lives.

Both have forms have power of influence but I feel shows and movies and other visual platforms have more of an impact. Lets go back in time. look at what minstrel shows did to blacks. Look at what TV did to our image in those early times like before the 1970's. In countries where there are not a lot of us, they only know what they see in movies and shows. So they think that is how blacks really are.

Visuals also travel a lot further than music. I can hear a racist song in a different language and not understand it. If I see a Chinese person on black face performing stereotypes but speaking a different language, I know they are insulting me.

Fast forward to today. Music influences people especially the youth. But I will go on to say it impacts different things. Such things as fashion and your could say drug use as well. But movies and other visual stimulus do more damage.

There is a reason you see live shows like wrestling have disclaimers, "dont try this at home". Shows like "jackass" that had people hurt themselves doing that dumb shit. Shows like the jeffrey dumar show that triggered many people due to the graphic visuals.

Visuals stays with people more and longer. Most people are visual learners meaning that they retain things better when they see it.

What say yall?
I think visuals are a more powerful medium(Video specifically) simply for the fact that you can see something and it can be enhanced by audio as well
I posted this a while back and there's several relevant points in the whole video but this was the one that immediately came to mind:

Right now, it seems music has more influence by a few degrees over visuals.
I think they are equally influential

I think the biggest impact relates to the individual consuming it and the larger culture that influences that person

ie. a white kid in suburbia with positive parental impact who's insulated from the realities of the drug culture

can watch movies/listen to music and be able to treat those things as entertainment

but for others (especially black kids within a certain culture) movies/music can be too influential to where they will struggle to separate entertainment from reality 🙁
I posted this a while back and there's several relevant points in the whole video but this was the one that immediately came to mind:

Right now, it seems music has more influence by a few degrees over visuals.

It is saying I need to log into my youtube to watch this so ill peep it later.

But maybe this should be separated in different categories? Like music definitely has a grip on certain things but not all when it comes to influences
It is saying I need to log into my youtube to watch this so ill peep it later.

But maybe this should be separated in different categories? Like music definitely has a grip on certain things but not all when it comes to influences

DMC used the group as an example by saying that they smoked a fuckton of weed and drank insane amounts of liquor but never put any of that in their songs because if "My Adidas" had the impact that it did globally, think of the impact of Run DMC talking about weed and liquor on a record would have.

He also speaks on other examples of hip hop having a direct, measurable influence on the kids that were listening to them back inna day (along with many other artists).
Music is more impactful than movies and shows because it is a direct message, that is constantly repeated over and over again in a short amount of time.

In one album you probably got 20 different messages.

What made Hip Hop music the most dominant and most powerful form of music is because there are more words per second and it's the simplest form of songwriting.

That's why I laugh when people say Hip Hop gotten dumbed down and shit, nah, them motherfuckers got more potent and direct.

Instead of making some I Gave You Power shit, dudes just come out and say I'ma shoot you and I love my gun and have everyone saying that shit. That's more powerful than a 10 layer Lupe Fiasco metaphor.

You don't have to know language to understand the meaning of a song. You can tell by the mood and tone of the instrumentation. And if you listen to enough foreign language music, you can pick up the language well enough to know what is being said. Sometimes not even knowing the language makes it more powerful because your brain shuts off and you just feel it.

Music waaaaaaay more powerful than movies and shows.
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Add in the amount of times you can listen to one song. So it’s over and over in your ear telling you you need to buy this type of clothes or do this type of drug and it folks do it
I will say Japanese anime is coming on strong.

Normal tv shows or cartoons don’t compare to the grasp Japanese anime have on folks right now