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Muhammad Ali vs Mike Tyson

Ali vs Tyson

  • Muhammad Ali (56-5)

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • Mike Tyson (44-6)

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters

5 Grand

Old School Godfather
Vote or Die!!!

I'm inclined to go with Ali because his losses were to better fighters than the people Tyson lost to. Tyson lost to some no names.

Floyd Patterson was the the youngest boxer in history to win the title at 21 years old, and was also the first heavyweight to regain the title after losing it. But Ali was also one of the youngest people to win the heavyweight title at 21 years old, until Tyson broke that record at 20 years old.
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As much as I fucks with Mike, Ali would wear him down round by round, using his reach and mobility.

Mike wouldn’t make it easy, but I don’t think Mike would get past nine rounds before becoming frustrated enough to make a fatal mistake.
As much as I fucks with Mike, Ali would wear him down round by round, using his reach and mobility.

Mike wouldn’t make it easy, but I don’t think Mike would get past nine rounds before becoming frustrated enough to make a fatal mistake.

Yeah Ali was faster but Mike only needs one punch to knock him out.
The version of Tyson that beat Micheal Spinks on Monday June 27, 1988 beats any heavy weight in the history of boxing, including any version of Ali.

The problem is.. when people have this debate they not thinking of Tyson on Monday June 27, 1988.

This was Mike's last fight with his og trainer when he still took the craft seriously.

After this fight, he fired Rooney and put more time into drugs, women, and partying instead of boxing.

Ali can beat any version of Tyson after that point. He wasn't the same fighter any more and it was evident even before the buster Douglas fight
Ali had never been knocked out. He lost 5 fights but never by knockout.

Tyson got knocked out several times towards the end of his career.

Having said that, a 20 year old Tyson vs a 21 year old Ali, their ages when they won the title would be an awesome matchup.
That's because Mike knew he ruined his prime. And he blames one but him self. He's his own worse critic. And he's crazy humble. He would say the exact same thing about any great heavyweight he respected.

But again.

Mike before he left Rooney was the closet thing we've ever seen to a perfect fighter. There was no human there. Pure machine. He was really that good.

The fact that he looked like shit for such a large part of his career to how ridiculously good he was while still with Rooney.

I've watched most of Ali's fights.

He had crazy trouble against Frazier.

Now every version of Mike after Rooney was fired from his corner couldn't hold a candle to fraiser. Mike admitted ruining his career with drugs, alcohol, money, women..... He half trained and coasted off of natural gifts after firing the last day 1 in his corner.

But when he was with them and clean..... He was everything fraiser was but heightened. He was faster, stronger, better footwork. He had a crazy boxing IQ, and threw every punch textbook sharp.

He had no stamina issues then either. He actually trained and had very good conditioning.

I've never seen anything from Ali that keeps that version of Mike off of him.

Now the one who didn't train for buster Douglas. The one who was cooked outta his mind. The one that came home from jail and was biting niggaz in the ears. The one who had a corner that was putting warm gloves of water on his eye.... Yeah Ali mops that Tyson.

But he ain't doing shit with the one under Rooney
I agree that Mike was machine like but he was still human and I think ali weathers the storm and prevails.

When ali faced foreman he took some crazy shots to the body (the fuckin body) and picked his own until foreman tired out and I don't see even a prime Tyson going 12 rounds with the same level of energy.

Tyson looked amazing against spinks but we can't pretend that spinks wasn't a glorified cruiserweight that was consumed with fear from the opening bell and rockin ace bandages on his knees. Tyson was supposed to look great against him.

The question remains; Who did Tyson actually beat?

Ali beat Floys Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier, George Forman, Ken Norton (granted, he also lost to Fraizer and Norton).

Tyson beat Trevor Berbick, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks, Frank Bruno

Who fought better fighters?

Basically, the 60s and 70s had better fighters than the 80s, although there were some good fighters in the 90s (Evander Holyfield, Riddick Bowe, Lennox Lewis, George Forman, Tommy Morrison)
Tyson gets graded on potential a lot. He did a ton for the sport but might be one of the most overrated fighters of all time
Everybody talks about Ali's feet but people seem to forget about his chin. Ali outboxed Sonny Liston who was supposed to be the most powerful man the game had ever seen. Then he ate a Joe Frazier left hook that would have destroyed any mere mortal. After that he literally allowed George Foreman the most powerful puncher in the history of boxing to pound on him for seven rounds only to knock his ass out in 8.

Tyson was a bad man no doubt and his upper cut was one of the most ferocious weapons boxing has ever seen. With that said there was nothing that Tyson could do to Ali that Liston, Frazier and Foreman didn't. If he could survive prime Foreman's power and still rope a dope his ass Tyson wouldn't have stood a chance.

Joe Frazier said Ali didnt know how to lose and the only way to beat him was to kill him. Both Ali and Frazier said that someone would died if the Thrilla in Manilla went one more round. Frazier's corner threw in the towel and saved at least 1 if not both mens lives. Tyson wasn't built for that. Tyson did not have the mental or spiritual strength of Ali and couldnt come close to making the sacrifices that were required to beat him. When things got tough Ali would fight to the brink of death. Tyson on the other hand would bite someone's ears. As much as I love Tyson the comparison to Ali is borderline disrespectful.
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michael spinks beat larry homes twice.
he was the legitimate heavyweight champion who was undefeated

they weighted 218 and 212 respectively,with spinks having a significant height advantage

and spinks was also undefeated

and tony tucker was a good fight on mike's resume that shows he wasn't just a knock out only fighter
coincidentally this the fight that made spinks duck tucker......

Comparing the boxing skills of any of Alis foes and Mike Tyson is folly.. Foreman couldnt really "box" till he came back tysons speed is underrated because of his body type also.. tyson was a much better defensive fighter than ali..

Ali coudnt rope a dope a tyson.

If he could get his face smashed by frazier it could happen vs tyson.. Its not one way traffic.
Comparing the boxing skills of any of Alis foes and Mike Tyson is folly.. Foreman couldnt really "box" till he came back tysons speed is underrated because of his body type also.. tyson was a much better defensive fighter than ali..

Ali coudnt rope a dope a tyson.

If he could get his face smashed by frazier it could happen vs tyson.. Its not one way traffic.
Young Ali was the greatest defensive fighter ever. He was the perfect combination of speed and agility. Ali was like a heavyweight version of Mayweather. He simply could not be hit. Ask Floyd Patterson. Tyson was a very good defensive as well but he wasn't as good as Ali. And Ali didnt need to rope a dope Tyson. With his reach advantage Tyson wouldn't be able to get in close enough to get rope a doped. Frazier was similar to Tyson in body type and his straight forward hard charging style and that played right into Ali's strength. He continually walked in Ali flurries. And even when he did get in close enough to do damage Ali's chin was so strong that he could take his worst and survive. That's why Ali beat him 2 out 3 times.

Styles makes fights and Ali's feet, chin, speed, reach, underrated power and his indomitable will were things that Tyson and his straightforward, inside, limited reach style which was similar to Joe Frazier's style simply wouldnt be able to overcome. Ali would destroy Tyson 8 times out of 10.