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Movie questions that need answering

How many times did Han try to get to tokyo in the fast and furious franchise?
if he was headed towards tokyo before they thought ledi was dead and then went again with the chick....then went again when he was killed.....like what the fuck?

and if han had millions when he got to tokyo when he was killed yet twink only gave the wyt boy a bag full of money...what happened to all his other money? and why was he stealing chump change when he had so much?

At the end of Fast 5 when Han and Giselle were riding out in the LFA, she asked him where they were heading, he said "Never been to Madrid" to which she answered "I thought you always wanted to go to Tokyo". He then said "We'll get there... Eventually". They did get as far as Hong Kong, but he never went to Tokyo until after Giselle died, likely to honor her death.
Somebody explain all of Alien: Covenant to me....

Have you watched Alien, Aliens, Alien3, and Alien Resurrection?

Better yet, go watch Prometheus. I think Covenant takes place somewhere between Prometheus and the first Alien movie.
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How many times did Han try to get to tokyo in the fast and furious franchise?
if he was headed towards tokyo before they thought ledi was dead and then went again with the chick....then went again when he was killed.....like what the fuck?

and if han had millions when he got to tokyo when he was killed yet twink only gave the wyt boy a bag full of money...what happened to all his other money? and why was he stealing chump change when he had so much?

Han owned the garage and all of it's equipment, the night club attached to it, and all the cars in his garage. That would have cost a pretty piece of change. All the spare parts and shit came from his shop, meaning all those tires Sean kept burning through learning to drift came out of his bottom line. Han had his own lil racket going (i.e. why big fella with the bear claw owed him money), but made more money working with Takashi. He was skimming money off the top, which I would expect pretty much anyone in any position in life that sees the opportunity to do it, would do it.
speaking of fast and furious franchise...

what was everyones skillset?

seems like only a few were needed.

hobbs had govt connects
dom good driver
brian good driver
tej good with info tech
same with the nice looking black chick

but what about the others?

Vince - Good driver and muscle. Dom's childhood friend.
Han - Good Driver, thief, ladies man, can blend in wherever he's at.
Jesse - Good Driver and high-tech mechanic. Responsible for the low-level mods to all of their engines in the first movie.
Tego Leo - Good driver, native Spanish speaking local. Navigates Central and South America.
Rico - Same as Tego
Giselle - Marksman.
Roman - Good driver, marksman, deep technical knowledge with engines, comic relief.

Tej is also the best mechanic in the series, supposedly far better than Dominic and Jesse. He's also a skilled hand-to-hand fighter and driver along with being good with technology.
my one question was when did the androids switch?....or was the newer version always on some sneaky shit?

They didn't... Well... lemme back up. Some of this is my own theory on what happened to David but some of it is corroborated with Ridley Scott's own take on it.

David was originally on the side with humanity. It was after the Engineer in Prometheus decapitated him and he was repaired by the chick that he went nuts, but really after having an epiphany: Humanity searched for it's creator and found it when they encountered the Engineers along with David, their own creation. The Engineer they encountered, seeing that humanity had advanced to the point of not only interstellar travel, but the ability to create "life" of their own felt they must be destroyed because only the Engineers should possess the ability to create life. The order of progression of being created to becoming the creator as human beings had done had to have played a part in David's pursuit of creating the entire Xenomorph species; he was only doing what his own creators had done.

Walter, was a more advanced version of David, but they looked identical. At the end of Covenant that wasn't Walter that put Daniels into stasis, it was David impersonating Walter.
Whats in the fucking briefcase of Pulp fiction.

the contents in the briefcase is often referred to as a MacGuffin

In other words, it serves as a plot device and there is no clear explanation as to what it is

In fiction, a MacGuffin (sometimes McGuffin or maguffin) is a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or other motivator that the protagonist pursues, often with little or no narrative explanation. The MacGuffin's importance to the plot is not the object itself, but rather its effect on the characters and their motivations. The most common type of MacGuffin is a person, place, or thing (such as money or an object of value). Other more abstract types include victory, glory, survival, power, love, or some unexplained driving force.