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Mother & Daughter share their sex tapes.. they both critique and break them down like game film.. There Freak power level is each over 9000…

I’ve known enough women to see how they actually are and actually look, that when I see their social media all done up. It’s bugged out cause I don’t see the done up, I see the same individual they actually are without all da sauce. So it got me where I don’t even think about it, I see a woman and I automatically see what I think she looks like on a Saturday afternoon while cleaning the house. It’s sobering

I’m sorry to hear that. You must be miserable.
When y’all see women, do y’all imagine them without the make up and weave?
Sometimes, yeah. If I find myself overly enamored or intimidated, I remember that this isn't what she really looks like and it helps bring me back to reality.
Finally watched the video.

I'm all for jokes and shit but I didn't find anything remotely funny about this.

This shit is sad on multiple levels and their codependency on each other is unsettling af

Damn. It’s that deep?

I thought it was just simple critique of them having sex lol.

let me check this shit out Lololololol