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Most Embarrassing Moments That Were 100% Your Fault

Fam why it had to be her assistant though? Why you brought her to the crib? Yall coulda easily crept to a motel since she knows your wife and knew yall had to sneak around. You was just setting yourself up for Ls from the rip.
A hotel was the original plan. She use to come by the house on the regular so it was not unusual for her to be there. She didn't even know the family was gone when she came by. She didn't even know I had intentions on fucking. It all happened so quick. Next thing I know we was fucking all over the house. Nothing went how I originally planned.
A hotel was the original plan. She use to come by the house on the regular so it was not unusual for her to be there. She didn't even know the family was gone when she came by. She didn't even know I had intentions on fucking. It all happened so quick. Next thing I know we was fucking all over the house. Nothing went how I originally planned.

Feel you. It be like that sometimes.

I thought you planned it that way.
Idk if I told this story on here or not.

But it was Christmas and I was at one of my exes house. It's morning time and we're opening gifts with her family. I bought her family gifts and I bought her mad shit, jewelry, perfume, clothes, the whole nine.

She hands me one box and it's some dusty ass sweat pants. I look at her like :word?:

So we get dressed go to my peoples house, spend a few hrs over there and then went back to her house. By that time I'm pissed. I spent mad bread on this bitch and she bought a nigga some cheap ass sweatpants?

She laying down in the bed and I walk in the room like

Then I started barking on shorty crazy

She let me rant for a whole 5-10 mins, got up from the bed, opened the closet and pulled out maddd gifts, custom jewelry, cologne, shoes, clothes, everything lol said she was waiting till after we came back from dinner.

We pretty much lived together and she didn't talk to me for weeks. Had a nigga like

Shyt is a little situation I had, might not all be verbatim but something close...lol

Down at the special Olympics with my girl at the time. Her stepmother was on the board or had something to do with the organization so we went to support her and the athletes. We're watching a basketball game and my girl says, "Those guys are over there staring at me" I think nothing of it at first, I'm like, "Niggas prolly think you look good" she was like "I'm feeling uncomfortable" or something to that at effect. So I turn to look and its like 10 dudes just gawking at her. I'm like damn, these whats going on with these cats. So they pointing and staring, so I'm like "Yo, you dudes really acting like y'all never seen a girl in some cutoff shorts."
No response they still pointing and gawking. I'm getting a little mad cause I feel that I'm being disrespected, so, I say something like, "Y'all dudes tripping, its ten of yall, somebody gotta have a couple girls. No response niggas still pointing. I stand up and I'm like, "Yo aint no sucker here, I dont care how many of y'all up there. Y'all dudes must not get no girls" I see some man standing a distance away and he says something. All of the dudes get up to go over to where he is. As they're walking away, I see France on the back of their windbreaker suits, and it hits me. They was participants in the Olympics and they were from France. I'm sitting up here yelling at these dudes and they dont understand a world that I'm saying and they're mentally impaired. I felt horrible, yo. I was wondering why nobody around us said anything, they just let me keep going at those guys.
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Shyt is a little situation I had, might not all be verbatim but something close...lol

Down at the special Olympics with my girl at the time. Her stepmother was on the board or had something to do with the organization so we went to support her and the athletes. We're watching a basketball game and my girl says, "Those guys are over there staring at me" I think nothing of it at first, I'm like, "Niggas prolly think you look good" she was like "I'm feeling uncomfortable" or something to that at effect. So I turn to look and its like 10 dudes just gawking at her. I'm like damn, these whats going on with these cats. So they pointing and staring, so I'm like "Yo, you dudes really acting like y'all never seen a girl in some cutoff shorts."
No response they still pointing and gawking. I'm getting a little mad cause I feel that I'm being disrespected, so, I say something like, "Y'all dudes tripping, its ten of yall, somebody gotta have a couple girls. No response niggas still pointing. I stand up and I'm like, "Yo aint no sucker here, I dont care how many of y'all up there. Y'all dudes must not get no girls" I see some man standing a distance away and he says something. All of the dudes get up to go over to where he is. As they're walking away, I see France on the back of their windbreaker suits, and it hits me. They was participants in the Olympics and they were from France. I'm sitting up here yelling at these dudes and they dont understand a world that I'm saying and they're mentally impaired. I felt horrible, yo. I was wondering why nobody around us said anything, they just let me keep going at those guys.
I set my expectations way too high after that..
I was 19 and had just gotten out the hospital after being in for 3 weeks. (Don't ask) now doctor told me I shouldn't drink or smoke or anything for s couple weeks.

But fuck what he was talking about a nigga tryna to spark something when I get home. But I dont want no regular joint, I don't want to roll a L pape, I don't want a century sam, bot even a philly. Nah a nigga want that Dutch master grape. Packed and to the face. Nigga trying to get high af and make up for lost time.

Got all that and more. I got like halfway through the blunt. And noticed my heart beating like a motherfucka. Like I can hear the shit. Like I think my chest moving. Like I think I see my fucking heart.

Now I can't breathe and shit, I'm hot. Am I dying? My girl supposed to be coming in a bit.
So just like a big bitch I call her panicking.
Now she panicking and gonna call my mom at work and tell her.

Now my mom hitting me up like wtf?
By this time i've drank water, took a cold shower tried lying down tried walking it off. Ain't shit working. It might be getting worse. So I'm on the phone telling my mom I'm sorry on some last rights shit. So she calls 911.

So paramedics show up. They do all the little tests they can do. And from what they can see "everything is fine" but that shit still on 10 so I'm like fuck that y'all not leaving me here for dead. Let's go.

Get in the ambulance. Strap up. Start driving. Get to the lights outside my building.

"Alright im good. They gon figure out what's wrong with me."

Next major intersection.

"Oh my heart stop beating crazy. Good shit."

Get to hospital.

"I feel fine. Shit. Did a nigga green out? Welp already here and health care is free. Might as well just keep going."

Pretty sure the nurse/doctors figured the shit out. They just put me in the hallway and tell me to lay down for a bit lol.

Girl shows up.

Mom and dad show up.

Older brother shows up.
"You good? What happened?"

Give him the half truth story I gave everyone else.

We going back to my parents to eat. My brother drives me and my girl back.

"Nigga you were smoking weren't you?"

"Nah... A little bit."

"Shit nigga that's supposed to happen."

I still remember his laugh from that day.
Lmao I've totally had those high too quick panic attacks. When I got out of the hospital myself actually. Last year. I get out, could hardly breathe already and take the tiniest puff off my dab pen several times. Each little puff sends me into a coughing fit. Finally say enough is enough and I'm laying there high for the first time after a week or so. High builds and builds, heart starts pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. Body feels... weird.. empty. Keep telling myself I'm just high af but then arguing back "no you're about to die, you cant breathe like you used to". End up being fine though lmao
Idk if I told this story on here or not.

But it was Christmas and I was at one of my exes house. It's morning time and we're opening gifts with her family. I bought her family gifts and I bought her mad shit, jewelry, perfume, clothes, the whole nine.

She hands me one box and it's some dusty ass sweat pants. I look at her like :word?:

So we get dressed go to my peoples house, spend a few hrs over there and then went back to her house. By that time I'm pissed. I spent mad bread on this bitch and she bought a nigga some cheap ass sweatpants?

She laying down in the bed and I walk in the room like

Then I started barking on shorty crazy

She let me rant for a whole 5-10 mins, got up from the bed, opened the closet and pulled out maddd gifts, custom jewelry, cologne, shoes, clothes, everything lol said she was waiting till after we came back from dinner.

We pretty much lived together and she didn't talk to me for weeks. Had a nigga like

That aint your fault tho, how else was u supposed to respond. You should have threw a drink in her face
It was my birthday and me and my dudes go out drinking and smoking. I’m fucked up and we decided to go get some food from this late night hole in the wall spot. We inside the spot and I gotta piss bad as hell. Go to the bathroom and it’s out of order.

I’m like fuck it imma go behind the building. Yo I swear I was behind the building but in reality I was pissing in the middle of the street. Cop pulls up and gets on loud speaker.

hey when ur done pull out ur id. I’m looking around like who he talking too then realize he talking to me. I finish and try to explain myself. He like are u driving? I’m like nah. He gives me a ticket.

next day my wife washing my clothes and finds the ticket. She starts bugging out. I call my people’s and the story above is what he told me. I don’t remember the shit but it must be true. It’s embarrassing think I was that drunk.

damn bro ur so lucky….u woulda got killed in prison…i watch vids of prison dudes that talk about

some drunk dude pissed on the side of the bar and got a indecent exposure charge and when he got locked up the prisoners killed him…bcuz they see that ass creepy and potentially a kid can see a mad expose himself…they check ya paperwork