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Monday Night Raw (10/7)

i always found it odd how wrestlers will basically warn their opponents that they’re about to hit their finishers

like hbk stomping the mat before sweet chin music
orton punching the mat before a RKO
macintyre counting before the claymore kick

these finishers should be countered far more often
Truth told I'm tired of Drew McIntyre on Raw already.....(and Charlotte too,)when I watched wrestling as a kid it was a big deal when the world champion was on Tv...

Drew has been a breath of fresh air with the strap so far. I thought i'd hate his reign before but so far it aint bad

Charlotte I can understand but i dont really mind her being on all 3 brands either like a lot of people. Only time I have a problem with her is when up against somebody who I feel she could put over
Im trying hard not to find Drew corny but my. god his segements slick goofy.

*hands held behind back, spins around*
"Ofcourse charly i been expecting you"

All his jokes be corn on the cob. Lol i know he trying to. Big ass dude acting like a dweeb. Heel turn should hit soon tho.
Now that I think about it...I wonder where they came up with this whole eye for an eye blinding people thing?


I mean it's so original and creative and not done by anyone else.

I haven't seen anything like that in a while



AEW isn't competition right Vince? Atleast AEW went 30 years in the past to do something similar
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No excuse...

To be fair tho Britt Baker Role Model gimmick right now>>> Bayleys gimmick so i guess as long as you doing it better ehhh

Wasn't talking bout who does it better just showing that nigga that they've done the same shit since he trying to act like they havent
Who got blinded? Every company takes from other companies, I never saw a big deal with it

Rollins forced Reys eye into the corner of the ring steps and he been out with a eye injury. Since then him and his boys been trying to do the same thing to others

but yea, everything today is pretty much a rendition of something that came before it



Can't wait to hear the excuse for this one
1. Bayley doesn't own the rights to the words "role" and "model"

2. Different gimmicks.

3. AEW not trying to pretend that WWE isn't competition all while obviously stealing from them like WWE did with all of a sudden making Bryan and The Fiend a strap match a week before MJF whooped Cody

4. Britt's heel turn has been handled WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY better than Bayley's

5. Even if she stole it, she's been doing it better so that would actually make it hers and make Bayley the failed version.

In other words, be a roll model
Who got blinded? Every company takes from other companies, I never saw a big deal with it
No problem with recycling the problem is the time in between and WWE's attitude towards AEW. How you gonna say these dudes not competition, but then take one of their angles that was used like 2 months ago?
1. Bayley doesn't own the rights to the words "role" and "model"

2. Different gimmicks.

3. AEW not trying to pretend that WWE isn't competition all while obviously stealing from them like WWE did with all of a sudden making Bryan and The Fiend a strap match a week before MJF whooped Cody

4. Britt's heel turn has been handled WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY better than Bayley's

5. Even if she stole it, she's been doing it better so that would actually make it hers and make Bayley the failed version.

In other words, be a roll model


I rest my case

I rest my case

No sir.

Jericho responded saying Bayley probably stole it from him as well, since she and Sasha Banks watch a lot of the work he and Eddie Guerrero did...

I rest mines. I like how you looked past it being two different gimmicks and her not owning the words as well. That was clever brother Dubbz. You bypassed that whole post for three words. Tell Vince to be a "role model" and stop acting like someone ain't comp while stealing from them. Atleast let it breathe.
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