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Moderna founders debut on Forbes' list of 400 richest Americans

you the homie and no disrespect but foh with this.
I don’t want smoke in here but since you posted, here we go.
this is apart of the problem.

is it about get vaxxed ti be safe or get vaxxed to make money?

the message of safety can’t be pushed when if you have no money , you are looked over.

this should not be about rich vs poor countries and this “saving grace vaxx” bs should be paid for by the IMF. That way all are covered.

shit right now like 7bil vaccines went out but like 3bil are double vaxxed. But numbers still going up in certain places. People still dying after fully vaxxed but then fully vaxxed aint fully vaxxed without a booster. And don’t get me started on the science of this shit.

Im not coming back in here. Y’all want to celebrate in here I won’t ruin your party.

Bro im not saying your wrong. Im just asking why should Moderna give a fuck?

Are we under the assumption that Phatmecuticals isnt the grimiest and slimiest industry in the world? Aint these the same mfers that sell life saving pills for a grand a pop?

Why are we spending time blaming the side effect and not the problem?

You can go ahead and blame the ceo of moderna all you want. Im blaming hyper capitalism and the corrupt politicans that allow this shit to exist.
In theory you are right and I can't talk directly to moderna but tax payers founded astrazenca and I know it's the vaccine that's been distributed to the poorest nations more than any other vaccine.

As someone who helped funded this we should have a say on them releasing the patent

Yea man. And to be fair, thats a German company I think and yall europeans are better at this shit.

And we making the same point. Im just saying dont blame the greedy company, blame the system that allows tax payers to fund a vaccine and then have no say over how its distributed.

Blame the sickness and not the symptom imo
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Sounds like big pharma monopolies to me. "We have the capacity to supply the world"
*The "world" doesn't get supply (in poorer countries).

Okay it's not up to the companies it's up to the world governments. Fine. But they kinda (hint: wayyy more than kinda) work hand in hand.

Remember when big pharma were bad guys? Wasn't too long ago.

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Does highlighted sound like a familiar practice? 🤔

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This shit is disgusting.

Im going to get my booster this week, but I cant act like it doesnt bother me a ton that im bout to get my 3rd shot in 10 months and half the world hasnt even got 1 fucking shot.

That shit is ass, and its a microcosm of the human condition.

This shit is being prolonged like a mfer. Were gonna need booster 5, 6, 7, and 15 at this rate because new variants are gonna keep popping up in countries that dont have access to any vaccine. So ofcourse companies and countries that produce vaccines wont distribute them world wide. Cause now that its under control in these rich countries, it becomes a game of making profit.

And worst of all, the vaccines were getting in the West are being manufactored in some of these countries that dont have access to them.

Shit is fucked up.
That's more on the fault of government and Healthcare systems of their country more than the company though.

European countries round out the top 1 through 25 and the United States isn't even in the top 30. These other countries like India, the middle east, developing and third world countries rank way lower. The U.S is one of the few major nations not in the top 30.

What's interesting to note is that countries that have high Healthcare indexes and highly developed healthcare systems tend to have significantly longer life expectancies by almost 10 years.

Fam we can go into whose fault it is and whose fault its not.

Lets not act like global explotation doesnt exist, and hasnt existed for centuries.

But we dont even have to go that deep into it and we can skip all historical context on which countries are and arent developed.

Fact is, economically, it makes sense for developed countries to chip in and distribute vaccines to non-developed countries. Thats the only real way to stop this shit and stop variants from emerging.

This aint even a talk about if the vaccine is healthy or not. Like I said im getting to booster so clearly i trust that the vax is gonna work and not kill me.

My point is that if I can figure out that distributing the vax globally is the best move economically, so can you and the people in charge.

The fact thats not happening is the real conspiracy.

The virus emerged naturally, thats not the conspiracy. The vaccine is safe, thats not the conspiracy.

The fact that govts know and understand disributing the vax globally is the only way to stop new variants but aint doing so at a rate that makes a difference and rather have us take booster after booster is the real yo wtf is happening here shit.
Fact is government don't have to buy supplies for other countries if these pharma companies release their patents. Moderna promised to do so before the vax roll out and have since done a complete 180.

U can take governments out the equation and the result will be the same.


This shit is disgusting.

Im going to get my booster this week, but I cant act like it doesnt bother me a ton that im bout to get my 3rd shot in 10 months and half the world hasnt even got 1 fucking shot.

That shit is ass, and its a microcosm of the human condition.

This shit is being prolonged like a mfer. Were gonna need booster 5, 6, 7, and 15 at this rate because new variants are gonna keep popping up in countries that dont have access to any vaccine. So ofcourse companies and countries that produce vaccines wont distribute them world wide. Cause now that its under control in these rich countries, it becomes a game of making profit.

And worst of all, the vaccines were getting in the West are being manufactored in some of these countries that dont have access to them.

Shit is fucked up.
Fact is government don't have to buy supplies for other countries if these pharma companies release their patents. Moderna promised to do so before the vax roll out and have since done a complete 180.

U can take governments out the equation and the result will be the same.

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Patents they put on vaccines found through research funded by tax payers. Lmaooo. We ass as a species fam.
Lmaooo. Yo what you doing fam? You literally aint add nothing to the discourse.
Becuz this some bs.
And gates is apart of the larger problem.
The thread I made i think I mentioned how GAVI, the WHO and his foundation are trying to collect patents and fucked up testing methods. Don’t think he’s too far removed from this.

epstein is a good excuse for his wife to leave vs the demon nerd is doing foul shit global with no one over his shoulder.

I have my own outlook on this and I hate what I’m seeing.