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Moderna founders debut on Forbes' list of 400 richest Americans

Good for them, also in order to make the Forbes 400 list now your net worth must exceed $2.9 billion. There's way more money to go around now and be made. The next 5 years is gonna be even better especially after the pandemic. A million dollars isn't what it used to be now celebrities are pulling a billion dollars. In 25 years it'll be the norm for jobs to pay people $500k to $1 million a year and it won't be considered a lot of money.

Hahaha so was I months before a vaccine was made but I don't invest in start ups or companies with no financial records so I passed on it plus I had found better shit. You don't have a financial advisor you go to for advice?
Nah I don’t have that level of interest in stocks

all my stock advice comes periodically from my friend who gets stock advice from his boss lol

I didn’t have the money to invest heavily anyways. My money didn’t come until after the pandemic hit anyways

Its not the private sectors job to bail out poor nations. Is it ethical to do so? Sure. But how can Moderna sell its vaccines to lets say France for a ton of money and then turn around and it give it to a poor country for free.

In my ideal world, pharmecuticals would be in it to save sick people and not make a profit.

But in the real world, private companies are just here to make money. Lets blame our elected officials world wide for not helping poor people.
Its not the private sectors job to bail out poor nations. Is it ethical to do so? Sure. But how can Moderna sell its vaccines to lets say France for a ton of money and then turn around and it give it to a poor country for free.

In my ideal world, pharmecuticals would be in it to save sick people and not make a profit.

But in the real world, private companies are just here to make money. Lets blame our elected officials world wide for not helping poor people.
you the homie and no disrespect but foh with this.
I don’t want smoke in here but since you posted, here we go.
this is apart of the problem.

is it about get vaxxed ti be safe or get vaxxed to make money?

the message of safety can’t be pushed when if you have no money , you are looked over.

this should not be about rich vs poor countries and this “saving grace vaxx” bs should be paid for by the IMF. That way all are covered.

shit right now like 7bil vaccines went out but like 3bil are double vaxxed. But numbers still going up in certain places. People still dying after fully vaxxed but then fully vaxxed aint fully vaxxed without a booster. And don’t get me started on the science of this shit.

Im not coming back in here. Y’all want to celebrate in here I won’t ruin your party.
Its not the private sectors job to bail out poor nations. Is it ethical to do so? Sure. But how can Moderna sell its vaccines to lets say France for a ton of money and then turn around and it give it to a poor country for free.

In my ideal world, pharmecuticals would be in it to save sick people and not make a profit.

But in the real world, private companies are just here to make money. Lets blame our elected officials world wide for not helping poor people.
In theory you are right and I can't talk directly to moderna but tax payers founded astrazenca and I know it's the vaccine that's been distributed to the poorest nations more than any other vaccine.

As someone who helped funded this we should have a say on them releasing the patent