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Million MAGA March - Nov 14

Oh you a professional photographer?


thats the goal for 2021. 1st time doing engagement photos. The couple was coming from Delaware. Tomorrow weather out here is great to.

Seeing these trumpets might get me into trouble.
Unrelated, but I wonder what would happen if a million fat people marched on Washington.


And who would organize it.............and why?

Lizzo on 'Cuz I Love You' and Conquering Her Fears - Rolling Stone
I hate to admit this but I want trump to have his followers hold out hope for as long as they can... leave the knife in twisting in their hearts slowly until Jan 20th....

We need to enjoy the “long troll” because that hurts way more - when they wake up knowing they had no hope all along... it’s gonna be magnificent!!!!!
these cacs got some nerve with that "Million MAGA March" name lol

this shit finna look like Charlottesville

In don’t think you can be armed in public in DC... so they might want to walk differently - this ISNT the rest of the USA - they make the wrong turn getting out of town and find themselves in Barry farms or trinny- uh oh... we not in Kansas anymore lol
You must've missed how mad white women on the internet got when Adele lost weight earlier this year and tried to brand anyone giving her props as "fatphobic"
i didnt miss it....
what big white entertainer pushes it.....adele got her loot and lost weight (might be surgery)
im just curious.

fat amy got her money and lost the weight.....(might be surgery)

shit even monique finally got her weight off and her audience kinda turned on her.
im wondering why they trynna make it ok to be overweight?
i didnt miss it....
what big white entertainer pushes it.....adele got her loot and lost weight (might be surgery)
im just curious.

fat amy got her money and lost the weight.....(might be surgery)

shit even monique finally got her weight off and her audience kinda turned on her.
im wondering why they trynna make it ok to be overweight?

Apparently Adele's weightloss started last year and she did it with a trainer. Idk who the hell fat Amy is. I wouldn't say they're trying to make being overweight ok...just trying to lessen the "fat people are worthless and a drain on society" attitude some people have. We all know how people look at and talk about people who appear to be overweight and/or out of shape. And being bigger don't always mean you're out of shape or overweight. Take Lizzo for example. Yeah she's big, but I've seen clips of her performing on stage and there's people way smaller than her who probably would pass out from exhaustion trying to do what she does on stage. It's the same shit with like an NFL lineman. They may appear to be out of shape because they're bigger but they're probably in better shape than a good majority of people who are watching an NFL game.