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Michelle Obama says We've got to vote like the future of our democracy depends on it." ahead of 2022 midterm election

I don't think she would run, if you pay attention to her body language at any large political event you can tell she can't stand half of the politicians she is around. I think the only person she genuinely likes is George Bush.

Anywho, both political parties try to get people into a frenzy so they will vote. I do believe that mid-term elections are way more important then the presidential election, yet most tend to ignore them.

It ain't really about liking anyone though. It's about ambition and legacy. People in the mix been saying that low key she felt like should have been president instead of Barack.
I meant before y’all knew about them Michelle was the bread winner and farther advanced career wise than he was

Yeah, but he wasn't riding her coattails. That's the shit some black women used to say to give her some shine when Obama won. He was a community organizer. He was basically building a path to his political career. He had all the credentials to be a high paid attorney if he wanted. He chose to play humble over the short term in order to win on the long term, and it worked.
I hate the Democrats so much

They are political Karens. No matter if they are winning or losing, they crying and whining about Republicans destroying democracy so everyone better vote for them to save the Republic.

Democrats are the weakest link I swear to God. Why would I vote for the party of weakness?

And the sad thing is, the Democrats are richest, glitziest, most beloved political organization in America. They do absolutely nothing besides rake in money and power and cry wolf.
It'll never happen but there needs to be set term limits for EVERY elected section of government. Two terms and you gtfo.

Put a retirement age on that shit too. You too old to work in the general work force.. yo ass shouldnt be making laws IMO.

There should be no such thing as a damn career politician. Get in.. do the job you were put there to do and fuckin leave
Term limits are a great idea but the grifters in office will never vote to end the endless grift they are all apart of. Same reason these folks haven't and never will vote to take money out of politics.

Folks have to come to the realization the political system is corrupt and the possibly good people that do get elected either get corrupted by the system or because of the system and people corrupt they will never get anything significant accomplished.

As long as we stay under this same system nothing will basically change.

There is a reason construction companies don't build on fucked up foundations. They condemn it, tear the shit down and start over with a solid foundation.
Every time black people voicing strong displeasure with the dems here come the Obamas.

Not that they are 100% this but this is what I think every time I see them on that bullshit
Term limits are a good idea, but they won't mean anything until Americans make a concerted effort to choose leaders more wisely. It doesn't matter if one shitty politician is limited in how long he can stay if you're just going to turn around and replace him/her with another equally shitty politician.

At this point, we need people to wake up and start voting according to their best interests and not whatever bullshit is being thrown about that day, and the most important thing bar none is that money needs to be taken out of politics. As long as politicians can receive legal bribes, nothing else will get done because movement will only happen to the extent that those corporate and private interests allow it.

Every time black people voicing strong displeasure with the dems here come the Obamas.

Not that they are 100% this but this is what I think every time I see them on that bullshit

You're actually not giving them enough credit. They aren't boot-lickers. They are bonafide agents of the status quo. They have their own agency and they use that agency to protect their own interests. The Obamas defend the Dem party because it benefits them as much as it does the Clintons, Pelosis, and Schumers of the nation.
They don't suck at politics. They're just good at being corrupt. Biden hasn't gotten anything done because he never really wanted to get anything done. He said when he was running that he was fine with the status quo.

Fam you not wrong about that, but literally every bill Biden passed so far has been an extreme watereddown version of his original proposal.

Not even his campaign promise.

Like he proposes a bill, and the final bill thay gets passed ends up having like 15% of what was in his proposal.

And this while having majority in the Senate.

And its been a democrat forcing him to make these changes.

And now people who voted for Biden are like wtf? You promised 4 months of maternity leave and the final law passed dont come close to that.

And so, mfers aint gon vote Dem, and Dems gon lose like 70 seats.

So yea man, Democrats are trash at politics.
Fam you not wrong about that, but literally every bill Biden passed so far has been an extreme watereddown version of his original proposal.

Not even his campaign promise.

Like he proposes a bill, and the final bill thay gets passed ends up having like 15% of what was in his proposal.

And this while having majority in the Senate.

And its been a democrat forcing him to make these changes.

And now people who voted for Biden are like wtf? You promised 4 months of maternity leave and the final law passed dont come close to that.

And so, mfers aint gon vote Dem, and Dems gon lose like 70 seats.

So yea man, Democrats are trash at politics.

Yeah, but is any of that because they are bad at politics or is that because that's how they want things to work? Biden sold a boat of dreams because that's what was necessary to get into office. Now that he's in office, he ain't doing shit and ain't really fighting for anything he promised. I personally think that's intentional. You think Biden truly wanted to give free Pre-K, push green initiatives, or force pharmaceutical companies to have to negotiate? No, I don't think he did. He just wants to be able to say he did, and people like Manchin and Sinema give him the perfect out. He's not trash at politics. This is what politics is all about. The problem is that we don't need them playing poltics. We need them to actually govern and get things done, and the Dems have never had any interest in really doing that because they are corrupt too.

I'll give you an example. Ossof from GA just pushed for Pelosi to restrict sitting Congresspeople from being able to trade stocks. That should have been an obvious thing to do seeing as how a bunch of people in Congress just got busted trading based on insider COVID knowledge early in the pandemic. Pelosi refused to support the bill and said it was because she supports the free market. That's bullshit. Her husband makes millions of dollars from trading and she didn't like the fact that Ossof proposed closing a loophole that would require close family members of people in Congress to put their investments in blind trusts too. So if and when that bill fails, it won't be because the Dems weren't politically skilled enough to push it through. It will be because they are corrupt and didn't want it to go through.
Dems may not be as trash at politics as folks think they are. I mean they've actually convinced folks that they are a party of decent politicians and want whats best for the people. Yet when they actually have the majority they don't get a fucking thing of significance accomplished. Also find a way to blame the shit all on one dem as if that is the real reason they didn't get shit done. They also know that they can get away with covert racism because of how much repubs overt racism blinds the masses from their bullshit.
Good riddance. I have no need for their optics and theatrics. That image of them kneeling will always symbolize their constant means of exploitation of the same people who entrusted many of them to their lifelong positions.

What makes matters worse is that they totally get it. They aren't ignorant of what they're doing. "Vote for us, at least we're not the Republicans".
Sure but in name only, when in fact they're actually much worse because they smile in your face pretending to be something they're not.

At least the Republicans are honest about who they are. They hate us and they band together and get shit done for the things that they want. I prefer my racism overt, out in the open so I know my enemy. This is not an endorsement for the Republican party but an observation. It's fuck both sides.

The Dems have the majority and have nothing to show for it.They can't even agree on what they're having for lunch. But I know what they will have, a large helping of fucking over the people, dressed in a get nothing done gravy, the white part of iceberg lettuce and a side of mashed photo ops


Fuck em.