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Michael Smith: ESPN Muted Jemelle and I

Chi-Town B

Mod Squad

Smith went in on ESPN management during a recent interview on James Andrew Miller’s “Origins” podcast, saying the network ‘muted’ himself and Hill when a new executive took over “SC6” and that it “frustrated the s--- out of us.”

“There was a time we weren’t even talking to each other (during broadcasts) anymore,” he told Miller. “Like no more Michael and Jemele, not less, not here and there. No more Michael and Jemele talking. No more of their commentary. It’s just strictly live shots and analysts. That’s what pissed me off so much.”

Smith went on to say that prior to the “muting,” higher-ups at ESPN had made it known that one of the best things about “SC6” was the comradery between him and Hill, who has since left the show to write for ESPN's The Undefeated.

“I’m like, so wait a second, you all acknowledge that one of the strengths that we have going for us as a show is Michael and Jemele’s chemistry, but Michael and Jemele don’t f-----g talk to each other? How does that make sense?”

The decree to talk to each other less during the show came down from new ESPN executive Norby Williamson, who took over “SC6” after Hill was suspendedby the network for suggesting NFL fans boycott the Cowboys. That didn’t exactly sit well with ESPN management, seeing how the network has TV deals with the league.

“We knew we were gonna get s--- out of the gate... But we weren’t built to take it,” Smith said. “Immediately we started pushing the panic button. Instead of saying no, this is the vision for this show, this is what we’re doing.

“This show is about Michael and Jemele and their opinions and their chemistry, and they’re going to do ‘SportsCenter’ their way. Instead of sticking to that vision, we immediately tried to merge two things.”

While Hill has continuously expressed to angry Twiter egg heads that she left to work for The Undefeated and was not demoted there, Smith says ESPN “got what they wanted."
“It was very frustrating,” he said, “Behind the scenes and on camera. … They got what they wanted, which was Michael and Jemele being muted. And that frustrated the s--- out of us.”
It’s confusing to me about people’s opinions on sportscenter. The ones who cry and moan about it say it needs to be like the old days and just show highlights. But why be the “good old days” when u can watch highlights on ur devices now? Ratings were already going down for the 6pm sportscenter before mike and jemele cane along. U think with jemele and possibly mike being gone that ratings will go back up? Hilarious
On air. Thats how the restructured the show, no commentary or chat between the two. Just them talking individually.

Everyone told them this was gonna happen and they didn't believe it until it did

In the past few years, sports center has been a demotion to most established personalities. It's like the last stop before you're sent to the bushes.

In the past few years, sports center has been a demotion to most established personalities. It's like the last stop before you're sent to the bushes.

Surprised Cari Champion still standing but I got my assumptions as to why.
you can listen to JJ podcast...its different from the live show, but better imo

I do. Give the people what they want!
