Mental health check


it only matters to us
Dec 22, 2017
How many do you have? I crossed out the two that clearly don’t belong in the mental health discussion.


I have two to some extent
I have sporadic social anxiety and ADHD

Only the ADHD was officially diagnosed, but neither were really treated
  • Goat
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I hate my job right now. And I don't wanna do anything else.

Which leads me to deduce that my job has me stagnant.

So that means I have to make a change.

Which I'm low key afraid of, cuz I don't wanna fuck up or fail...

But I have a tendency to rush into fears head on.... So I'm aggressively shopping my resume... Not even sure what the fuck I really wanna do...

Saw a city job in my field hiring from 23.50 to 35.50 an hour based on experience...

Put that shit in too..