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Men, can you comfortably be in a relationship if…

Men can in theory be in a relationship and not be the breadwinner. However knowing women’s nature they’ll resent you if she has to carry most of the weight and you’ll start getting passive aggressive shots thrown your way until you get outright disrespect afterwards.
I sure can! Did so in my last relationship, would do it again. These women is getting it these days, especially sisters. There’s a high probability the next serious relationship I get into she happen to earn more than me, but we’ll see because my earnings been going up too praise God.
Men can in theory be in a relationship and not be the breadwinner. However knowing women’s nature they’ll resent you if she has to carry most of the weight and you’ll start getting passive aggressive shots thrown your way until you get outright disrespect afterwards.
This has some truth to it IMO.

Normally with women that makes an enormous amount more though. Not no I make 60K and she make 80K. I’m talking she’s making 400K and he’s making 50K Thor
This has some truth to it IMO.

Normally with women that makes an enormous amount more though. Not no I make 60K and she make 80K. I’m talking she’s making 400K and he’s making 50K Thor
Breadwinner means one person makes substantially more.
Breadwinner means one person makes substantially more.
is it? I just thought it was who ever made the most lol.

But in that case. Idk because I ain’t never been taken care of and always made about the same as my wife.

I legit don’t know I would feel being a person that relays on my lady to take care of us fully
This has some truth to it IMO.

Normally with women that makes an enormous amount more though. Not no I make 60K and she make 80K. I’m talking she’s making 400K and he’s making 50K Thor

That’s what I’m thinking like if she just make a few more hourly and I’m not expecting her to pay the bills I don’t see that always going left. Now a massive income difference is a whole other situation.

And I think too you have to know what type of person you dealing with. My mom made more and held her money better but dad was always the man of the house
is it? I just thought it was who ever made the most lol.

But in that case. Idk because I ain’t never been taken care of and always made about the same as my wife.

I legit don’t know I would feel being a person that relays on my lady to take care of us fully
No. One person making 45K and the other making 50K is not a substantial difference

I believe in roles….

The man gathers the resources from outside

The woman takes care of the home inside
There is a large amount of men in those type of relationships. It's far from rare now a days. Just have to stay away from the women who take the the boss mentaility from work and bring it home. Also, a dude cant be a jody from "baby boy". If she feels like you are just a weight, then that is when the disrespect comes in.

If you are contributing to the relationship in multiple ways more than taking away and she genuinely loves being around you, she will respect you enough to not throw her money in your face.
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I'm gonna work hard regardless.

And there's way more areas in a relationship that require hard work outside of money. So the workhorse effort I put in and outside of the house...it doesn't matter who brings home the most money.

For majority of the years we were together I was the bread winner, during the pandemic she was, and since April it's been me again. But the one consistent was that I was always busting my ass for this family the entire time. So my standing never changed
Also. It's not a whole lotta real ones left out here. Lotta niggaz out here have no patience for working hard in a relationship. Especially the ones that feel as though the money they bring to the table is all they need to contribute to the relationship.

I tell chicks all the time, if money is the only thing you looking for outta dude. Just name your price and save both of y'all a lotta time
Wouldn't matter to me because im of the belief a couple should have a joint account for dual household/lifestyle expenses and their own accounts for their own personal spending.

A couple whose ego and self image isn't tied to their bank accounts and careers this isn't an issue. If you're the type that leads with your career/accomplishments as a personality trait then it's hard. And that's something alot of women who think men have issues with their income miss. It ain't the income it's the shitty personality that comes with it