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NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Seriously? Wtf dude.

Out of all the forums I've been a member of, this is the only one with members that says stupid Shit like this. I don't need this Shit. I have other onlyfans that's not shared here and I'm not even to bother. My request was treated like a joke. Like the owner of an onlyfans is going to request their Shit getting leak. Dumbasses.

Fuck this forum. Enjoy your fake tittied skank bitch's that is available everywhere else. Y'all a bunch of ignorant dumb guy fuckers. I'm out bitches.
Yep. You are definitely a female. No dude talks like that.
I don't get it, though... what's simpish about liking natural bodies?

I don't like none of these build-a-bitches neither.... don't judge nobody who likes that, of course, but the shit is crazy weird to me. Those women look like the Frankenstein monster to my eyes, but hey.... different strokes for different folks!

I was pretty much the first cat here to champion Ldndrygin... I think that chick is super-hot though other niggas here were saying she looks like Chris Hanson-bait. I feel like too many dudes have been so conditioned by this super-thick fake body shit that they don't even know how to appreciate a regular female body anymore.

That being said: Ldndrygin's OF is pretty boring and even she admits it. She said it a bunch of times when she was posting here that she don't care if we share her shit because her timeline posts will "make you die of boredom" and any interesting shit from her is gonna be behind the paywall.

And I actually did pay for a few of her DM content and they were boring too lol
The last part of your post is what bro was referring to as 'simping'. Her content is average at best. This dude comes in fresh and this is the only chick he requests? If he is as live online as he claims, he would know her folder has been posted several times.
Seriously? Wtf dude.

Out of all the forums I've been a member of, this is the only one with members that says stupid Shit like this. I don't need this Shit. I have other onlyfans that's not shared here and I'm not even to bother. My request was treated like a joke. Like the owner of an onlyfans is going to request their Shit getting leak. Dumbasses.

Fuck this forum. Enjoy your fake tittied skank bitch's that is available everywhere else. Y'all a bunch of ignorant dumb guy fuckers. I'm out bitches.
You're an unbearable entitled clown, but your assessment of this group is spot on.

my first attempt at trying to contribute lol it ain't the best but shit u got it for free



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