This is a dummy acct
Three thoughts...i have been in this onlyfans game for 7 months. In all my 30+ years i have never been in direct contact or seen cp in my life. But in those 7m i have seen more CP then in my entire 30+ years.
I understand now when those facebook moderators got PTSD of seeing that shit every day. I always believed that shit would stay in the darkweb but now in this onlyfans craze people posting it everywhere.
Moderated forums, telegram,discords these sick people don't care who sees it. I had to take a few days off, just this week some sick fuck posted it in hoods discord
1) Hood got a discord? I bet I’m in it and don’t even realize it atp.
2) I’m sitting here thinking CP meant colored people...
3) it finally clicked as to what it meant.