O.G. Member circa 2017
I see alot of yall missed the Dumps.. da whole thing be mfs see EXCLUSIVE SHIT I think they report the links after they save em so they can profit off ad links or however dey sellin EXCLUSIVE content. But this is why I stopped droppin shit publicly in the 1st place. I dont have time to run a discord so that failed. So everything I stocked up on I dropped I'm here FOR FREE! Sad thing is whoever keep SNITCHIN out here fuckin it up for da whole community! I cant repost them becuz if I do a 2nd (or 3rd) reported link get the WHOLE MEGA CLAPPED! So with that being said WHOEVER IMPORTED THEM... make a burner n DROP EM AGAIN! That way u dont lose what u caught and MORE PPL get to catch it before it gets CLAPPED! I'm helpin out some of yall gotta bless back. I got one more in the chamber too! Waitin to see somethin NEW to add to it before I drop it. Just waitin on yall atp