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NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Skipped. 31 links in a text file. All but 3 are dead.

Cherokee: FamousPocaa Bawse Kitty
Should see this one adlink. It's like a fucking maze redirecting to like 7 other adlinks. When you finally get to the mega links they ALL DEAD. I hope they don't get anything when people use that ubypass
I've seen those. Scumbags.
i'ma be in here for a couple of days....

when people get tired of their posts being deleted, maybe they'll stop

from now on, if somebody post a request, just ignore the shit

if they keep at it after not getting a clue to not do it anymore, then @ me or @Banginscrew901
We appreciate the focus, but they won't get tired of it over just a few days. They have endless burner accounts and emails. It'll need to be an ongoing effort. It's just part of the deal of modding, to delete posts and ban accounts. Personally, I would require approval of all posts, but I know that's poison for a forum. Or maybe approval of posts for new users and/or flagged members.

I don't know if you or @Banginscrew901 want to, or have the availability to, devote the time to do this. But I do, and can.