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A lot of smoke and mirrors to make sure no one does. Labels own the streaming platforms now. They dont want people to know so they can continue to rip people off.
But let's not act like they weren't doing the same things with physical media by buying up a bunch of CDs and inflating the sales
Looks like yall gotta take screen shots of these tweets now since he likes deleting them. But the tweet was a response to Andrew Shultz gay joke on Meek. He didnt seem that bothered by it, which is strange since he wanted AK's head on a stick for reporting that someone called Meek, Diddys gay lover in their lawsuit.
That's nice of him to make the offer. Maybe these brothers can get pass this
I see why these labels always run circles around some of these rappers. They really are stupid af and or have learning disabilities.

Imagine being a rapper of Meek's status and you online begging for someone to give you a damn podcast. Begging for a fucking podcast like its a damn TV or syndicated radio show! It takes damn near nothing to start a podcast, especially if you already connected and have resources. All you need is 2 mics, a recorder and a camera if you want video. There are regular ass people who go to Best Buy then start their podcasts and this nigga screaming for help for someone to sign him to make one. Is this dude right in the head?

I bet if someone did sign him to the exact deal Ak presented, before even completing all the episodes in season 1, Meek would be online complaining about his podcast deal that he signed.