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Maya Angelou legendary poet and activist the first Black woman ever to appear on the coin

Nigga it’s an obvious exaggeration but you get the gist. God damn. Again nobody said the shit was new bro. You gotta stop going against points that were not stated. The Rosa Parks stamp was 8 years ago. Don’t see how it’s relevant to today.

You're not making any worthwhile points. What purpose was served by comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany? The analogy didn't fit what we are discussing.

And the Rosa Parks stamp is relevant because the USPS does the same thing that the U.S. Treasury does. It's irrelevant that it happened 8 years ago. Racism was still rampant then too, but does that make it wrong or stupid that they chose to commemorate an important black woman? If not, then why is it wrong that they've chosen to commemorate Maya Angelou now? The woman was basically the face of American poetry for decades. So what that racism still exists. Does that mean she doesn't deserve the recognition?

If you don't believe this is new, then why are we discussing it? If you know, the U.S. government periodically commemorates important figures in a variety of ways, why is this even significant to you? If you don't care about these types of measures, then what are we doing here? Ignore this one, like you ignored the other 1000 commemorative coins that have been released over your lifetime.
she has recognition and validation from where it matters the most the white mans ice is not colder ...

But the water aint tap

lol Who are you to say what recognition and validation matter the most to another person? So do you believe that if she was still here today that she would feel the same about this as you all do?
You're not making any worthwhile points. What purpose was served by comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany? The analogy didn't fit what we are discussing.

And the Rosa Parks stamp is relevant because the USPS does the same thing that the U.S. Treasury does. It's irrelevant that it happened 8 years ago. Racism was still rampant then too, but does that make it wrong or stupid that they chose to commemorate an important black woman? If not, then why is it wrong that they've chosen to commemorate Maya Angelou now? The woman was basically the face of American poetry for decades. So what that racism still exists. Does that mean she doesn't deserve the recognition?

If you don't believe this is new, then why are we discussing it? If you know, the U.S. government periodically commemorates important figures in a variety of ways, why is this even significant to you? If you don't care about these types of measures, then what are we doing here? Ignore this one, like you ignored the other 1000 commemorative coins that have been released over your lifetime.

the only reason we discussing it is because you threw a bossy fit that folks in abw didn’t like it then tried to invalidate the reason. Why is it wrong to feel like some symbolism is bullshit? Is the end point you’re making is that we shouldn’t say anything because it’s not that deep.
lol Who are you to say what recognition and validation matter the most to another person? So do you believe that if she was still here today that she would feel the same about this as you all do?

Lol so the recognition from black people and being recognized as one of the best poets in modern history ain’t enough? This ain’t about recognition lol cmon
I completely see why y’all say he argue just to argue this the second time I got into a paragraph war over opinions
the only reason we discussing it is because you threw a bossy fit that folks in abw didn’t like it then tried to invalidate the reason. Why is it wrong to feel like some symbolism is bullshit? Is the end point you’re making is that we shouldn’t say anything because it’s not that deep.

Bruh, you obviously don't read posts before you jump out the gate and respond. I didn't say anything about people not liking the coin. I said the comments conflating the existence of the coin with the inability of the government to get other shit done was stupid. We're going all round the world with this discussion and you missed the entire point of the post you were triggered by. Do better.

Lol so the recognition from black people and being recognized as one of the best poets in modern history ain’t enough? This ain’t about recognition lol cmon

Shit, I don't know. I've never been as good at anything as Maya was at poetry, so I don't know how much recognition is enough for her. I do know, I wouldn't be so arrogant as to speak for another person when it comes to whether or not a particular gesture is appreciated or not. What kinda retarded shit is that? Who the fuck are you to say much is enough for another person.

And pretty much the only purpose of commemorative stamps, coins, or anything is recognition. They serve literally no other function.

I completely see why y’all say he argue just to argue this the second time I got into a paragraph war over opinions

Says the guy that started the argument over something that wasn't even said.
Bruh, you obviously don't read posts before you jump out the gate and respond. I didn't say anything about people not liking the coin. I said the comments conflating the existence of the coin with the inability of the government to get other shit done was stupid. We're going all round the world with this discussion and you missed the entire point of the post you were triggered by. Do better.

Shit, I don't know. I've never been as good at anything as Maya was at poetry, so I don't know how much recognition is enough for her. I do know, I wouldn't be so arrogant as to speak for another person when it comes to whether or not a particular gesture is appreciated or not. What kinda retarded shit is that? Who the fuck are you to say much is enough for another person.

And pretty much the only purpose of commemorative stamps, coins, or anything is recognition. They serve literally no other function.

Says the guy that started the argument over something that wasn't even said.

Again your whole point was addressed. No they not the same department but acting like they not apart of sane institution is off. If it’s about symbolism Abd we say we don’t want symbolism we want something real. But to you we can’t say that because the treasury is just the treasury.

Again we not saying she has enough recognition. But did they need to put the legendary black poet on a coin? What does that symbolize? I feel like your real issue is just with black people on abw not liking this. Nobody is expecting the US treasury to make policy changes and you knew that.
Again your whole point was addressed. No they not the same department but acting like they not apart of sane institution is off. If it’s about symbolism Abd we say we don’t want symbolism we want something real. But to you we can’t say that because the treasury is just the treasury.

Again we not saying she has enough recognition. But did they need to put the legendary black poet on a coin? What does that symbolize? I feel like your real issue is just with black people on abw not liking this. Nobody is expecting the US treasury to make policy changes and you knew that.

The bold is just wrong, and no matter how much you want it to be right, it's not.

The people given the power to do something like this coin have no power to effect any other change. Yes, they work for a government department, but it's stupid to act like this measure has any impact on the ability or will of other government bodies to do anything. It just doesn't. That's now how our government works. If you don't agree, I don't know what to tell you.

Yes, we all want to see more substantive actions, but I'm not sure how that justifies criticizing the government for commemorating a black woman. They were going to select someone regardless, so why shouldn't it be Maya Angelou?
The bold is just wrong, and no matter how much you want it to be right, it's not.

The people given the power to do something like this coin have no power to effect any other change. Yes, they work for a government department, but it's stupid to act like this measure has any impact on the ability or will of other government bodies to do anything. It just doesn't. That's now how our government works. If you don't agree, I don't know what to tell you.

Yes, we all want to see more substantive actions, but I'm not sure how that justifies criticizing the government for commemorating a black woman. They were going to select someone regardless, so why shouldn't it be Maya Angelou?

your whole first paragraph is pointless. Nobody said they can make policy. Acting like a government office can’t be used in any way politically is ridiculous. I’m not saying they have an agenda either. I keep saying black oeople have valid reason to feel it’s bullshit Abd we don’t feel putting blacks folks in money with a slave holder in the other side is honoring her contribution and we voice our opinion. You literally boiling down to “why even care?” at this point
your whole first paragraph is pointless. Nobody said they can make policy. Acting like a government office can’t be used in any way politically is ridiculous. I’m not saying they have an agenda either. I keep saying black oeople have valid reason to feel it’s bullshit Abd we don’t feel putting blacks folks in money with a slave holder in the other side is honoring her contribution and we voice our opinion. You literally boiling down to “why even care?” at this point


I'm starting to think that you just don't have any understanding of how big the government is or how it works. Some shit like this is trivial. The decision to do it has no impact on anything else the government does right now. If you don't believe that, you're just wrong. There's nothing else to say about that.

And it's perfectly fine for you to not think that being put on a coin with a slave holder is an honor. I don't fault you for that. However, you're not the one being commemorated, so at the end of the day what you feel about it or what I feel about it doesn't matter. The honor was for Maya Angelou, and she's dead, so I suppose the only other opinions that truly matter are those of her family and the people responsible for protecting her legacy.
Nah, like in the context of my comment, what does your response mean? Wouldn't it make more sense that they *did* put her on the 20 if it meant nothing?
She was a former slave and a liberator... and people want her on currency uts disgusting..also i dont want "Tubmans" to be a thing..... the root of the evil of slavery is 💰💰💰