The Vision inside the pocket reality is created purely using her magic, so what was Hayward tracking inside the bubble all along? After she, Monica Rambeau, and Jimmy Woo were kicked out by Hayward for criticizing his approach to the situation, Darcy Lewis hacked into the S.W.O.R.D's database and found out that the director was tracking Vision with his program analyzing the
"decay signature of vibranium."
Now, if Wanda didn't steal Vision's corpse and brought it to life, instead of creating an entirely new one inside the hex, what was Hayward tracking? Darcy specifically said that the S.W.O.R.D. was tracing the synthezoid's movement; it's also the reason why Darcy knew that Vision was at the edge of hex trying to cross the barrier so he sprinted out to try and help him. Monica Rambeau suggested in a previous episode that the hex works by transfiguring objects (like how her kevlar vest became her bellbottom pants). Unless there's something else that hasn't been revealed with regard to how
Scarlet Witch created Vision, then this is clearly a slip-up from Marvel Studios which is quite ironic considering how well they've planned the plot twists and turns of
WandaVision thus far
How was Hayward tracking Vision?