Check yourself, what percentage is you?
I never pay attention to who says what. I respond to what's said.
Wanda isn't the average MCU villain either, so I'm not sure what bringing her up to do has to with you implying that Hela didn't kill any more people than any other MCU villain. How many people did Red Skull kill? What about Ronan? Hell, Kilmonger was supposed to be seen as murderous. How many people did he kill? 2 or 3?
Hela like most MCU villains, killed a bunch of no name army flunkies. They even deleted her killing Odin. What’s her kill list? Nobodies. So I don’t agree with the premise of her killing niggas left and right. Wanda had bodies and I would hope somebody name Gorr the God Butcher can match that, if he’s only on some Hella shit, this movie will be wack. At least 3 gods gotta get bumped off. So if hoefamous had said they gonna handle Gorr like Wanda, I wouldn’t had a problem.