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Not gonna lie, some pretty good points are being made in these analyses

I don't think Sam was really working for the government though. I know he was helping out but he isn't actually special forces or in a branch of the military anymore. One of the reasons he was able to do his 1st mission helping Torres is because Batroc was in another countries airspace and the military couldn't legally capture him but that shit didn't apply to Sam. He is kinda doing his own thing like how the Avengers were doing before the Accords but he helped out the Air Force and a friend.

I do like some of the think pieces being written about the show and if you find more please keep posting. Pretty good reading.
Hopefully, this approach would allow Marvel to develop its reinvented Sharon Carter a little more, exploring her motives in particular. All this doesn't necessarily preclude Marvel using other elements of the Armor Wars story from the comics, of course. They could include Spymaster as one of Sharon Carter's operatives, and Justin Hammer as her buyer; but the Power Broker would be the main villain, a worthy foe whose identity - if revealed - would force War Machine to ask some deep questions about the Avengers' history.

While I've talked before about them foreshadowing shit.. she never actually admitted to being the power broker in that scene... just she doesn't like to be blackmailed or some ish.

Power broker could still be someone else. Idk..
While I've talked before about them foreshadowing shit.. she never actually admitted to being the power broker in that scene... just she doesn't like to be blackmailed or some ish.

Power broker could still be someone else. Idk..
lmao are you one of those folks who need to be spoonfed everything from a show. Like you don't pick the info up unless she goes "Hey this is Sharon Carter - but you know me better as the Power Broker - and I'm calling to tell you to setup buyers for our morally wrong business transactions. I've got to be a villain in the next show"
Hopefully, this approach would allow Marvel to develop its reinvented Sharon Carter a little more, exploring her motives in particular. All this doesn't necessarily preclude Marvel using other elements of the Armor Wars story from the comics, of course. They could include Spymaster as one of Sharon Carter's operatives, and Justin Hammer as her buyer; but the Power Broker would be the main villain, a worthy foe whose identity - if revealed - would force War Machine to ask some deep questions about the Avengers' history.

Fuck her motives.

I'm pose to feel sorry cuz the same system, that she had no problem being apart of, that fucked over people. Has now fuk'd her over cuz that trick chose the wrong side?


Of course! Then Kevin Feige tells you, 'No. Stop it.' Listen, when you first show up to these projects, in your mind you think you're gonna get to use everybody in the MCU. But Marvel always asks, 'Does this person belong in this story? You cannot just geek out and put all of our characters in your project because you like them. They have to occur organically.' So Spider-Man did not make it.
lmao are you one of those folks who need to be spoonfed everything from a show. Like you don't pick the info up unless she goes "Hey this is Sharon Carter - but you know me better as the Power Broker - and I'm calling to tell you to setup buyers for our morally wrong business transactions. I've got to be a villain in the next show"

I wanna dropkick those types so damn bad. It's laziness man. Mofos don't wanna use their brains to figure out shyt for themselves.


In the end, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier concluded in a similar fashion to WandaVision, as both shows ended with their starring characters taking on new, powerful monikers and senses of purpose after each confronted their past. Wanda dealt with a lifetime of grief and became the Scarlet Witch (meaning she still might mess around and destroy the world, in case you’ve forgotten), and Sam grappled with a complicated legacy that stretched back generations before him to become the next Captain America, prepared to take on whatever the world deals him next.
I'm glad that they didn't make the transfer of the mantle smooth and that they gave us something like what would really happen. Can't wait to see the reception for Captain America 4 with Sam.
lmao are you one of those folks who need to be spoonfed everything from a show. Like you don't pick the info up unless she goes "Hey this is Sharon Carter - but you know me better as the Power Broker - and I'm calling to tell you to setup buyers for our morally wrong business transactions. I've got to be a villain in the next show"
Um no, I already stated about the Foreshadowing. I already picked out a few things that weren't spoonfed. We shall see. Curtis Jackson is the actual power broker in thr comics and I aint talking bout fiddy