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It's these marvel geeks with their panties in a bunch because people have the audacity to question some stuff.


See this is why I told you to take a break. You start to type even more ridiculous shit......... :lol10:
We're reading this conversation differently.

@MJ DOOM seems to hate the majority of MCU shit but also seems to take joy into coming into EVERY single mcu thread... shitting on it and cussin folks out that disagree with him
I see it as a guy having an opinion and 4 or 5 people jump on him
We're reading this conversation differently.

@MJ DOOM seems to hate the majority of MCU shit but also seems to take joy into coming into EVERY single mcu thread... shitting on it and cussin folks out that disagree with him

Hate? When did I say hate the majority of the MCU? Never even said wack. I always, said mid. That’s means mediocre or average. Is y’all niggas slow?

AP in the Spider-Man thread, you see how you and Eye got y’all shit off for 3-4 pages about disliking the first SM franchise. No wacks. Just a formal debate from the opposition.

If me or CTB or Du or anybody else show our same displeasure with a MCU franchise, niggas form Voltron and just hit reactions.

lol, again nigga what? I’m a fan of Marvel, I’ve been fan of these characters before the MCU even existed. So Ima always watch. Infinity War, Winter Soldier and Civil War is the trifecta. Fuck just being great comic book movies, they’re great fuckin movies, period. And if you take a honest individual look at the other mcu movies and strip away the sfx and bullshit, most are bland and repetitive. “Drake-ing niggas”. I give them props for connecting everything, marvelous feat.

I think an episodic approach wouldve better for most of these characters and movies. You can tell better stories and flesh out the characters more. With the 2 hour format you get the same shit with character swaps, that’s mid.
I see it as a guy having an opinion and 4 or 5 people jump on him

Nothing wrong with having an opinion. All the name calling and other shit is extra tho

Hate? When did I say hate the majority of the MCU? Never even said wack. I always, said mid. That’s means mediocre or average. Is y’all niggas slow?

I said it seems like you do by the way you talk about them
go watch some Tony Brothers highlights. FOH. You @ me, started this whole shit and now playing dumb.
That's not what I asked you

I, unlike you, specifically asked you a direct question. What reactions have I pressed on your posts for you to wack mine?
I still haven't reacted to your posts, besides the lol I just did

Why are you abuse reacting?