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When Any Loki takes control of a person do they also give the possessed strength? I was wondering how the humans were able to beat Loki up

Neat idea with the apocalypses
female loki

so does that mean Thor as we know him is still her sibling? or another Thor variant.
That episode was fire.

curious as to the importance of that young girl mobius said he would protect from the devil, as if I remember correct she said she saw her in her dreams. (Which I believe currently to be the female Loki).

I guess we will also see the time keepers sometime this season as she now has the location from the TVA agent.

next episode is gunna be crazyyyy.
“See, there it is! Right there. I believed, stupidly, that insecure need for validation would motivate you to find the killer. Not because you care about the TVA mission or being a hero, but because you know this variant is better than you and you can’t take it.”
I actually don’t like how they are keeping the Time Keepers a secret. Plz don’t pull another Power Broker reveal, that Sharon Carter shit fell flat. It feels like they are going in the same route here no need for the suspense