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We not talking about consistency of quality or action. We're talking about the edginess of the show. Pretty much every episode of Moon Knight had some killing or some references to some killing or some violence just short of killing or some dream sequences with dark tones. The series revolved around that kinda of stuff. None of the other series are like that. FatWS had the scene you referenced, and it also had practically a whole episode with Falcon and Bucky just being bros and fixing up a boat. My point is MK didn't really any episodes like the latter. It was consistently and some dark and/or violent shit.


You might be the only person who watched MK and thought they lived up to being "edgy".

To each it's own tho.

You might be the only person who watched MK and thought they lived up to being "edgy".

To each it's own tho.

It's all relative. MK is edgier than a lot of the other shit Marvel has put out. For example, MK had a lot of blatant killing. Go back and look at most of the MCU shit. Deaths are usually treated ambiguously (meaning it's unclear if the person actually died or not) or done cartoonishly to take away some of the seriousness usually associated with death.

The problem with ya'll is that you believe 'edgier' has to mean something like the older Blade movies, Deadpool, or Netflix Punisher. The reality is you don't have to be any of those things to clear the hurdle of 'edgier' in the MCU.