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That's true for all studios unless the director is the one putting up most the money.................... :niggawhat:

thats not true. You hire a director to direct a story in their vision. Disney/Marvel directors have very short leashes unless their first movie did well. Why you have big name directors specifically say they turn Disney/Marvel down over the years. Even ones that leave will be nice and say scheduling conflicts but its really conflict with the studio. thats starting to backfire cause every marvel movie is the same cookie cutter formula.
thats not true. You hire a director to direct a story in their vision. Disney/Marvel directors have very short leashes unless their first movie did well. Why you have big name directors specifically say they turn Disney/Marvel down over the years. Even ones that leave will be nice and say scheduling conflicts but its really conflict with the studio. thats starting to backfire cause every marvel movie is the same cookie cutter formula.

It's very much true.

Remember just 2 ago during covid when WB decided they were going to release their movies on HBOMax? And them directors could do (some big name ones at that) was complain on SM. Why? cause the studio can pretty much do what TF they what with shit they pay for.

Or how about all those "Directors Cut" we seen over the last 30-40 years. Why? Cause the studio has final say on what get's put out.

Again...................... :niggawhat:
:foh5:...........said the same bout Moon Knight. Plus Fiege has been adamant that this joint wasn't gonna be R.

Maybe he changed his mind. we'll see.
:foh5:...........said the same bout Moon Knight. Plus Fiege has been adamant that this joint wasn't gonna be R.

Maybe he changed his mind. we'll see.

Moonknight was a bit edgier though. It wasn't super bloody or anything like that, but there was a lot more "in your face" killing than in a lot of other Marvel stuff.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier was more edgier than Moonknight.

That scene were fake Cap snapped was more intense than anything in Moonknight.

Both can be true though. Moonknight and that scene in FatWS were both edgier than a lot of the stuff that we saw early on in the MCU. Still, you're comparing one scene in a series to another series where the bar was pretty consistently at that level from episode to episode.
Them psyche ward episodes was boring AF.

Moonknight was not fukn consistent.

We not talking about consistency of quality or action. We're talking about the edginess of the show. Pretty much every episode of Moon Knight had some killing or some references to some killing or some violence just short of killing or some dream sequences with dark tones. The series revolved around that kinda of stuff. None of the other series are like that. FatWS had the scene you referenced, and it also had practically a whole episode with Falcon and Bucky just being bros and fixing up a boat. My point is MK didn't really any episodes like the latter. It was consistently and some dark and/or violent shit.