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FEATURED Marriage vs Children Out of Wedlock

He said minimum

And yes ties can be completely severed with your bd/bm after a certain age

I mean, do you have to ever speak to them again in life? Maybe not

But if you ended up with a pretty decent relationship with the child, both parents will more than likely be at events/milestones for the kid.

You will be in a room with them after 18 which was my larger point. You can choose to be civil or not but it's not as if you'll never see them again in life at any point

I mean, do you have to ever speak to them again in life? Maybe not

But if you ended up with a pretty decent relationship with the child, both parents will more than likely be at events/milestones for the kid.

You will be in a room with them after 18 which was my larger point. You can choose to be civil or not but it's not as if you'll never see them again in life at any point
This is a roundabout way to agree with me but aite
Family planning is what's important. If you can somehow do that without getting married, more power to you. To me, it makes more sense and is more beneficial to raise your kids as one unit under one roof, but different strokes for different folks. That said, we all know all these unmarried people running around with kids didn't plan for it to be that way.

I don't see how anyone thinks marriage is a bigger commitment than having kids. Niggas that say that kinda give off deadbeat dad vibes.
Family planning is what's important. If you can somehow do that without getting married, more power to you. To me, it makes more sense and is more beneficial to raise your kids as one unit under one roof, but different strokes for different folks. That said, we all know all these unmarried people running around with kids didn't plan for it to be that way.

I don't see how anyone thinks marriage is a bigger commitment than having kids. Niggas that say that kinda give off deadbeat dad vibes.
Niggas don't like to be wrong and in a marriage, you have to be willing to put your ego to the side and say damn, I was tripping

Niggas go from chick to chick cause they don't wanna deal with root causes of commitment issues
Children of course.

Although marriage is a commitment, cause if I put the ring on her finger I don't wanna get divorced. Children can't be divorced.

I mean, do you have to ever speak to them again in life? Maybe not

But if you ended up with a pretty decent relationship with the child, both parents will more than likely be at events/milestones for the kid.

You will be in a room with them after 18 which was my larger point. You can choose to be civil or not but it's not as if you'll never see them again in life at any point
It's kind of funny how many comedies are made around this
I dont believe that after 18 years you're done dealing with the person you have kids with

You connected to that person for life(and maybe longer depending on what you believe)

Who you decide to procreate with is the biggest decision you make in life
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I dont believe that after 18 years you're done with deal with person you have kids wirh

You connected to that person for life(and maybe longer depending on what you believe)

Who decide to procreate with is the biggest decision you make in life
My only counter is people change so the person you had the baby with many times not the same person after the baby arrives

This ain't a car where you can just take the shit back if something wrong with it
Children is the bigger commitment imo and that's because unless you plan on being a deadbeat ain't no exit strategy. You can leave a marriage without being an asshole. No real way to explain not being in your kids life without being an asshole except a few circumstances