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Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly” Docuseries(aka The #MeToo Summer Jam Screen series) Trailer

To put things into perspective........Meek Mill went to prison for popping a wheelie. R Kelly hasnt and won't see a day in prison.
All these celebs and everybody else thats been supporting kelly, doing songs with, bumpin his music etc all these years are funny as hell.

People are really on some wave rides these days. Whatever is the thing to be offended by.

He wrong as hell and shoulda be locked up/beat up/blacklisted a long ass time ago. But who kept him in the game? Men aint buying his albums or going to see him on tour.

Men gave him the record deals tho
For all yall niggas saying these underage girls knew what they were doing. Yall know its a reason we dont let kids make life changing choices without adult input. To sit there and say an underage girl wanted it when she can't consent is some sick wild victim blaming shit and youre weird to think otherwise. Your 16 year old may think they good enough to be a welder you gonna just let em do it?

If we gonna use the standard that all kids are smart enough to make adult decisions then how can we get mad when news articles of black boys being killed by police will intentionally frame it like the boy was an adult. They do this with black kids often.

And no im not absolving the industry and all these other predatory adults.
warning....dont go looking for the pee tape....im sure someone is waiting and watching.