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lets draw, art anyone?

@Volcanic Glaicers What kind of pencil you use?
just a normal number 2 really .....i aint rich.......I regret not taking my pencil sharpner off the wall when i had to move.....it was one of those heavy duty ones in school..........i had to leave alot of shit behind though..........but yea latley I havent even been drawing.......thats all old shit.....when i was younger i used to spend money on art supplies........some kind of markers i spent a fortune on ......i forget the name of them
most of my better stuff, that cant even compare to what i've seen posted was done under the influence.....i have a shaky hand so xanax and or weed always makes me want to draw more to the point i can relax and focus......if i try to draw strictly on alcohol its sloppy and I tend to go too fast
@genocide_cutter ...............i had to remeber and think..........prismacolors where what i used at some point.........that was when i was a teen i bought them in the mall at the art store.......it was like 5 bucks a marker........i bought a art table lamp and one of those wooden figures you could bend and shit i never used them to full ability...prisma color was the markers i spent too much money on....that and these pens with diff sized tips....i got them at I think micheals arts and crafts store......you had to put the ink in your self...........black india ink I believe
So essentially they're album covers. The object of the game we did was to collect artists and then create album covers and a tracklist for them. So that's why all these pics have the Parental Advisory stickers in the corner. Man it was so much fun, really just a platform for us to show off our graphic design skills.
I suck at business, im good at art but dude that is doper than anything......I been busting my ass trying to get my demo together....I wonder if you could kind of help me get my shit looking right.....if not I dont blame you......but yeah man so much talent
The eyeball one is a gif btw, inside the pupil is a forest being blown. It was supposed to be an album cover for Odd Future in the CYOL game
i watch that shark tank show when i sober up.......I think I might want to do an outrageous deal.... if you you have time to help me.........25/75 for my first and see how it turns out.........I just want enought to eat on and your genuis is worth it.......i can send tracks and just listen to your knowledge
i watch that shark tank show when i sober up.......I think I might want to do an outrageous deal.... if you you have time to help me.........25/75 for my first and see how it turns out.........I just want enought to eat on and your genuis is worth it.......i can send tracks and just listen to your knowledge
hit me up if you have time to be a mentor
I can't draw pictures for shit but would love to learn, how did you guys learn just from practice I am guessing?
find something you like and just draw it.........me i started with eyes.....female eyes, the their noses and lips etc......... what do you want to draw? you could just look it up on youtube start with cubes and shit..........draw what makes you happy