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Less Babies Are Being Born: Good or Bad?

Bruh in the overall time line of the entire planet, we've been here a very short time, and in that time we've run numerous species extinct. And every natural resource has declined tremendously.

Humans are not eco friendly. At all. Our numbers dwindling is not a bad thing. And of course I'm not going to offer to myself or any of my family to help the planet... It's not in my nature to do such thing. It's not in human nature to do such thing. And that's part of the issue with humans, we consume at a high level and are more concerned with self interests than the betterment of the world.

200 years from now... If it's less humans around than there is today.... That's a good thing for the planet... And that does not require me to off myself or anyone else in the process
Species been going extinct long before humans. And at times even more frequently than during our time here.

Species extinction happens, but we might be the only species to advocate for our own.

It's literally backwards.

If you're not willing to offer yourself or your own, u shouldn't call it for the "weak" bc u deem them as lesser than or an afterthought or no longer useful.
Species been going extinct long before humans. And at times even more frequently than during our time here.

Species extinction happens, but we might be the only species to advocate for our own.

It's literally backwards.

If you're not willing to offer yourself or your own, u shouldn't call it for the "weak" bc u deem them as lesser than or an afterthought or no longer useful.
Ok sir, my bad
There are other species that are sentient. The rest of your sentence is a matter of capability.

...I never said that aren't other species that are sentient.

Let's put it this way:

Lions don't need psychologists or priests. They are perfectly content in their lion-being.

What makes human beings different is our ability to create values and narratives about our lives, which leads to contradictory beliefs and actions.

When you eat more than you need. Buy what you can't afford. Kill off ecosystems for people not even born yet. Spend more time at work instead of in leisure.

That's not normal self-preservation. It's cancerous replication.

And if we cull deer and moose to maintain habitats.

Something needs to cull us.
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You got to be one slap fool to have fell for the overpopulation hoax and then hop in this thread hollerin' about we need less people.

This nonsense goes back to even before a lot of us were born or shortly after. Everything you all talking about has already been discussed and planned decades ago. I already posted one of the books.

All by design tho. There's been books documented , agendas written, and organizations established for the decline of nations.

Some of the topics in those books/agendas, you people agree with too. That's why those are mentioned in threads like these.

Make no mistake, when you see these threads it behooves people who still think "The Population Bomb"-Ehrlich/Malthus ideology is relevant for you NOT to know of documents like these. It's not just America either, in case that's what you were thinking. The birthrates and fertility have been falling all throughout the world.

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This book has been sittin there for over 2 decades.

And don't forget that fear-mongering "Population Bomb" book. Ehrlich dusty azz landed big time with an interview on 60 Minutes I believe and was still spewing his nonsense. They didn't even call him out about his over-population conspiracy theories that never came to fruition.
...I never said that aren't other species that are sentient.

Let's put it this way:

Lions don't need psychologists or priests. They are perfectly happy and content in their lion-being.

What makes human beings different is our ability to create values and narratives about our lives, which leads to contradictory beliefs and actions.
It's funny u use that analogy.

Lions will challenge conquer and kill each other for self preservation. They are a lot like humans in that way, except they probably never stop to question it, feel regret or remorse. Which is why no need for psychologists and priests.
You got to be one slap fool to have fell for the overpopulation hoax and then hop in this thread hollerin' about we need less people.

This nonsense goes back to even before a lot of us were born or shortly after. Everything you all talking about has already been discussed and planned decades ago. I already posted one of the books.

And don't forget that fear-mongering "Population Bomb" book. Ehrlich dusty azz landed big time with an interview on 60 Minutes I believe and was still spewing his nonsense. They didn't even call him out about his over-population conspiracy theories that never came to fruition.

We have global water scarcity

We have global food scarcity

Human activity has caused an ongoing mass extinction.

There's too many damn people.

Lol, think of the Earth as a 6 bedroom house with 20 people in it.

That's stressful.
We have global water scarcity

We have global food scarcity

Human activity has caused an ongoing mass extinction.

There's too many damn people.

Lol, think of the Earth as a 6 bedroom house with 20 people in it.

That's stressful.


You obviously didn't read those books. Some of them fear-mongering links and "too many ppl" nonsense you posted were mentioned in them.

Once they put forth a serious effort in 'de-fattening' the population they'll start with Africans. Even though China has a larger population than the whole continent of Africa.
When you eat more than you need. Buy what you can't afford. Kill off ecosystems for people not even born yet. Spend more time at work instead of in leisure.

That's not normal self-preservation. It's cancerous replication.

And if we cull deer and moose to maintain habitats.

Something needs to cull us.
The ecosystem destroys itself. Ice age, forest fires, floods etc. We are a product of our environment. U can't say what 'normal' self preservation is bc normal is subjective and changes especially as we adapt.