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Less Babies Are Being Born: Good or Bad?

Not too long ago "we are overpopulating the earth!" It changed up that quick?

Also I think this is a bad thing. We should be procreating. The reason we aren't is bc the world being ran into the ground and ppl are living less stable lives.

That's the real story here.
Humans are terrible species is the answer
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it's interesting that this is an on coming issue and governments are banning abortion and trying to work towards making birth control illegal....
Not a conspiracy, this is the reason they are doing it. Capital Owners realizing they wont have a future workforce.

Kids are way too expensive and people can barely take care of themselves.
It's the mfs that's in control, rounding up and using the bulk of the resources, making all the decisions that have global impact, that got y'all thinking we collectively need to go....

...and they are gonna be much farther from the top of that list than u or I.
It's the mfs that's in control, rounding up and using the bulk of the resources, making all the decisions that have global impact, that got y'all thinking we collectively need to go....

...and they are gonna be much farther from the top of that list than u or I.
Bruh in the overall time line of the entire planet, we've been here a very short time, and in that time we've run numerous species extinct. And every natural resource has declined tremendously.

Humans are not eco friendly. At all. Our numbers dwindling is not a bad thing. And of course I'm not going to offer to myself or any of my family to help the planet... It's not in my nature to do such thing. It's not in human nature to do such thing. And that's part of the issue with humans, we consume at a high level and are more concerned with self interests than the betterment of the world.

200 years from now... If it's less humans around than there is today.... That's a good thing for the planet... And that does not require me to off myself or anyone else in the process
Humans aren't a force for good.

Less humans = thriving for everything else.

People that foolishly believe in the goodness of civilization has not seriously thought about the plague we have been.

Our self-interest in living for the sake of living is why we are facing the planetary calamities now.
The chief polluters of this planet are corporations. Their factories are fucking up the air and water.

Too many humans alive fucking up the planet is a myth perpetuated by Bill Gates and friends. And it's why they're been aggressively pushing feminism and LGBTQ+ weirdness; they want less people procreating. Gay people don't produce children, and feminism makes women undesirable (to the point that less people are having sex, less people are getting married, more and more men aren't approaching/pursuing women now)

The proletariat class is too busy stuffing their faces with fake food while watching football/reality TV to see what's really going on.