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Running horizontal on the beach was laughable

I get feeling weird about someone claiming they live there and coming back. My first thought would be why didn't they just get a hotel or something. Also would want a refund or something if I had to share the house. I'd also want to see ID

I would have stayed the hell away from the kid spitting up blood and losing teeth

Could have left out some things I didn't think was necessary

Bunker looked cool but security of it seemed like shit

It felt really unfinished
Not bad, not great

Seems to me the message is that regardless of what’s happening, we are glued to our phones and entertainment. We don’t pay much attention to the shit around it and when we do we ‘meh’ it often. That’s why the ending was that… the friends ending. Odd choice but kinda fits.

Bacons character said y’all gotta read past the first page. He was the only one prepared, even watching how others move and what’s going on in their homes.

Could’ve been better but whatever.
The new ipet Goat.....
The movie starts off in a blue room (5th color of the rainbow)....5th letter in Hebrew is "heh" which means to reveal. The whole movie is about a revelation of the end times.
Rainbow in the background on the bookshelf and Julia Roberts says she "hates" people = the conditions of the earth before the rapture takes place. Aka "Just as it was in the days of Noah"
Intro shows America flag upside down = Destruction of Babylon the Great
The Rapture takes place when Julia Robert says "Jesus" and the Oil tanker named "White Lion" comes from east to west.
You have to have oil to be in the rapture (The Holy Spirit) read Matthew 25
The White Lion is Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah who comes like Lightning from east to west.
Everybody who has oil (Holy Spirit) will be raptured. Those left behind are all on the sand. Read Matthew 7 with the 2 foundations.
The Deer with the calf at the beginning in the backyard shows the timing of the rapture. Read Psalm 29 when the deer gives birth.
The Spanish lady is Revelation 12. The red dragon comes down as he stands before the woman to devour the man child as soon as we are born. Man child escapes but the Woman is persecuted. The woman is Israel.
The destruction of America is found in Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13-14, 47, and Revelation 17-18. It will happen in 1 day, even in 1 hour right when the rapture takes place.
Thorne house means everybody left behind is a "brier and a thorn".....Aka every man for himself. Trust nobody. Read Micah 7
Participants in the nuclear destruction of America are all hinted at by name. Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, Muslim nations, etc......
There's so much more to the symbolism but that's a brief synopsis. Oh yeah the movie is produced by Mr. Freudian slip himself "My Muslim faith"
Not much time left...
Come to preachtheloveofgod on youtube for more info. Amen.
It would be a sight to see the US get caught like that but yall too close for comfort so fuck all that.

Yall better keep winning these fucking wars on piru. 😤 handle that.
Even if we wasn’t close……a lot of the world benefits off our policies and influence.
Even if we wasn’t close……a lot of the world benefits off our policies and influence.
I'm just talking about the boarder lol. If we weren't on the same continent I wouldn't give a shit. 🤣 them chickens been coming home. Sorry.
It was cool for what it was I mean i get the premise about fear unknown paranoia and blah blah the summation and opened endeness was well yall decide how you want to proceed in chaos and uncertainty

Julia Robert's should never dance again

And GH giphy-1.gif