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Leap man molly wops a judge

lol @ anyone talking about the judges behavior

thats bullshit.....this motherfucker is beating people with bats, multiple domestic violence convictions and we are worried about this judge being snarky?

man FOH.....

lock his ass up

lol ikr like wtf
I find it strange that yall are surprised at a judges tone. Majority of them are like that. What is a "nice" judge? They see multiple cases like his on a daily. Eventually, shit turns you cold. You get hip to people trying to constantly game and lie to you
Yeah that’s the norm and that’s kinda the point

They could all probably use a nigga launched at them every so often
If you acting like a dog.... Niggaz gonna talk to you like you a fuckin dog

And that nigga was a dog. Judge never has an opportunity to talk to him like that if his dog ass ain't bite multiple people in his reign of terror
I can’t agree with talking to people crazy just because.

That opens the door for being called niggers during traffic stops over speeding.

If the communication is toxic, then sure.

People in positions of authority is not by any means to stoop low.

Like I said earlier…if she needed to give him a tongue lashing about his past and how he needs to be locked away to not hurt anyone in a loud voice, I’d be more than ok with that. Dish out justice.

But to be so callous about it is dangerous.
Lol this isn't gonna "humble" the judge

Exactly, if anything the judge is more emboldened and stands by her original thoughts.

She definitely not thinking oh I shouldn't have spoken the way I did and my attitude is what provoke him

I highly doubt she is thinking about what she could have done differently

And even though alot of public commentary is saying her words and attitude needed to be checked...she not gonna perceive it that way.
At first, I was with the dude. He seems like he really wanted to turn his life around.

Then I saw the longer version as she read down his rap sheet:

MULTIPLE Domestic Violence charges, attempted home invasion, attempted battery, battery on a protected person, robbery.

I mean, at what point does probation simply not work?

I hate to say this, but the brother beating her down proves her point.

The judge’s snide demeanor earned something tho.

He getting at least 10 years now.

Lol this isn't gonna "humble" the judge


The only way the judge would get humbled is if she got her nose bit off.

No coming back from that.
The judge found out that there are some people in this world that ain't gonna take no shit no matter how wrong they are.

The judge read this man's rap sheet and decided to get some bars off. He has multiple violent offenses and she thought she was safe from this man because she had the police there.

White women with snark are the worst people on Earth. They believe they can say whatever they wanna say because armed White men are a phone call away. They been talking crazy to men, especially Black men in this country for far too long without getting that ass kicked.

Well, White men with guns were 2 feet away and they let that Black man beat her ass when they had every chance to taze him.

They knew she deserved to get her ass kicked. She probably been sitting up there for years saying wild disrespectful shit with no repercussions, trying to sound all high and mighty.

And I hope it happens again and again and again.
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Yeah that’s the norm and that’s kinda the point

They could all probably use a nigga launched at them every so often
So judges should spit happy talk at dudes with multiple felons? American culture is wild the way we coddle criminals. You can go back to any part of the world not too long ago and none of this bullshit would be tolerated.
So judges should spit happy talk at dudes with multiple felons? American culture is wild the way we coddle criminals. You can go back to any part of the world not too long ago and none of this bullshit would be tolerated.
They should handle dangerous situations the way dangerous situations should be handled…but hey what do I care if they put themselves at risk