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landlords upset they cant exploit renters during covid 19

Huh? How they posed to sustain themselves and their properties without income?

The thing ppl don’t understand is that u still gonna have to pay that shit once this is over..... tenants are getting sued for the back pay and that shit will follow them
These landlords are something else. My wife is trying to rent a spot for her business, and they are refusing to put any language into the contract to protect her in the event of another shutdown. On top of that, they want her to sign on as a person guarantor so that if something crazy does happen, they will be able to come after us personally and not just the business.

I get that it's a business and they are trying not to lose out, but they really be on some bullshit. Another, landord had it written in the contract that if you breach your lease and get kicked out you have to pay for the remainder of your lease even if the landlord manages to get someone else in the space. What kinda fuck shit is that?
Everybody is gonna lose out on this shit.

Truth be told, this might be the push needed to finally pop the housing bubble. Property values have skyrocketed due to wealthy investors buying and selling amongst each other (just like 2006-2007), those that were trying to sell off with renters in place to make it attractive to other investors are finding that they drove up rental prices entirely too high so nobody can afford to rent (just like in 2006-2007), and once they start dumping properties the market will collapse (just like 2006-2007). The difference is that we won't be able to blame subprime like the last time.
Another, landord had it written in the contract that if you breach your lease and get kicked out you have to pay for the remainder of your lease even if the landlord manages to get someone else in the space. What kinda fuck shit is that?

This is how things usually go if you break the lease.
Your state might have laws for what circumstances qualify not paying the remainder.
That person guarantor shit does sound shady as hell though.
This is how things usually go if you break the lease.
Your state might have laws for what circumstances qualify not paying the remainder.
That person guarantor shit does sound shady as hell though.

Yeah, I've heard it was the standard, but that's just landlords trying to get extra money off someone else's misfortune. It's foul. Once you're able to get someone back in that space and start getting rent, you shouldn't still be trying to milk the other tenant especially given that they probably defaulted because they were going through financial hardship to begin with. It's some cutthroat shit that isn't necessary.
I am SO relieved we got the tenants out of our loaner house prior to this shit.

Now, we can sell that fuckin place and be free.
I don't get how landlords are bad for wanting tenants to pay rent. How are they exploiting people?

It's not wanting tenants to pay rent. It's a cluster fuck of things that lead to rent prices being higher than they more than likely need to be. Like there's no reason someone should be paying 2k+/month for a 900 Sq ft apartment yet that's considered "a steal" depending on where you're at.

Also as has been stated landlords either putting language into the leases that basically trap a tenant into being responsible even if they no longer live there or not even doing basic upkeep on the property yet holding the tenant responsible for shit. Alot of landlords aren't these "woe is me" cases they're making themselves out to be. They were taking advantage of a system that is now being broken down to no longer benefit them