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Ladies.... Peter Piper Picked A Pepper

I like to hear about a man's goals in life and how he's planning to obtain them. Not pipe dreams of when his rap album about to blow at 35 years old and when he gets money he's gonna do this that and the other... Not that bs. But if he has a clear and concise plan of what he wants and how he's gonna get it ,it stimulates me like no other. It makes me want to share my goals and see how we can help each other accomplish them.
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it took u people 3 pages to figure out women like smart men with goals? :clawd:

:ballin:I could make mad money scammin here
Not so much the Vocab, if you will, just the ability to speak to me in a way that allows for my imagination to run free with you.
Locking minds and exploring the unknown is erotic and mysterious.

Learning things from one another. Playing out scenarios of life and debate. Sitting around talking about nothing and everything. LOL.

I love word play and those that can make me "think".

THIS exactly