Cat I know was,one of those people who were dismissive and cynical as to how & why people got so upset over a celebrity's death. Because they did not know them in "real life" . Recall him making this very disparaging post about folks being so upset over Prince's. Myself and couple other tried to breakdown to him, it's NOT about personally knowing a singer,rapper,actor etc. Dude wasn't trying to hear it...very haughty.Mind you all this was Apr. 2016
Thing is he was one of not the biggest Kobe fans in the world.I mean Stan levels of praise and defense of him.
Yesterday, dude made one of the most humbly and heart felt post I've read. Not only expressing his on hurt & grief over the tragic passing of his favorite basketball player, but also admitting he was wrong to look down on others for being overly emotionally when someone they didn't personally know ""in real life""" passes. Especially tragically and unexpectedly like this. In his own words: "I get it now"