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Known Facts About ABW Posters

Did this mf say "disciple of Dizz"?

@TheMasterKey still thinks an orgasm is a bacteria infection that he can get antibiotics from CVS to cure it.

@KandyPants is a teacher by day, but a vigilante by night. Her superhero powers are Common Sense.

@Chi-Town B once robbed an elder lady @ 10pm. His grandmama recognized him behind the mask, but he STILL told her to run her shyt. Moral of the story: Family members can get got to.

@Trini was Double Dutch champion 4 years straight, until a mysterious figure busted her in the knee wit a baton. Thus ending her DD career. The following week, a beloved figure skater suffered the same fate. Coincidence??

@Dupacalypse went to Thailand to train for his MMA career. He quit tho after a week. His story "Snatched" hit close to home, and was on verge of uncovering a massive kidnapping ring in the country.

@AP21 is coming out wit a line of Gucci white belts Fall 2017. This move is so revolutionary, his guests are nervous about attending his fashion show, for fear of a fashion backlash.

@Ironman1 actually applied for the Avengers position, but got turned down. I guess working in HR for Hydra was frowned upon.

@NeighborhoodNomad watches Real Houseskanks of Atlanta/Orange County b/c downtrodden people makes him feel good about himself.

@Bandida use to run 6 chop shops in her city, but was bought out by Uber. She now runs 4 chop shops for Segways.

@Joshua has a metal plate in his neck that gives him great WiFi reception while flying.

@Zagreus is a level 12 Warlock, and stated the Lord of the Rings trilogy is actually his family's bio movie. He shed tears of joy when he finally got to see their story being told.

@Azlyn is actually a sophisticated pimp. She has the backhand that strikes wit the force of 10 Zeuses if ANY of her bitches and niggas get outta line.

@LadyDu new baby will bring calm in the world once he/she is born. Which why the Trump administration is doing all they can to stop her. There's no money to be made in "peace", only chaos.

@BaldHeadLogic got jumped in a club by a gang of ninjas wit faded haircuts. They got jealous b/c hers outshined them all. She was able to fight them off w/o a scratch, and continued to get lit.

@Moe owns several BBW strip clubs. They only open during the fall and winter seasons b/c that's where most of the money is being made, and the girls keep everyone extra warm.

@Reesey & @Cain formed a rap group called "2 Kool". Their 1st single "KYS H8trs" is #145 on the Billboard charts, and got nominated for a Grimmy (poor people's version of Grammy's)

@EleanorDeWitt struggles with being a Vegan b/c her love of meat is too strong. To help quell the meat urges, she meditates and calls upon her spirit herbivore animal. It's a brontosaurus.

@InstagramusPrime360 didn't have to get into fights. Why? In high school, he once de-escalated a potential threat from a bully by quickly twisting his pinky finger to the left before he swung on him. Paralyzed the bully's whole left side, and left him in a pool of his own drool. IP360 wasn't bothered with since then once word got around.
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@TheMasterKey still thinks an orgasm is a bacteria infection that he can get antibiotics from CVS to cure it.

@KandyPants is a teacher by day, but a vigilante by night. Her superhero powers are Common Sense.

@Chi-Town B once robbed an elder lady @ 10pm. His grandmama recognized him behind the mask, but he STILL told her to run her shyt. Moral of the story: Family members can get got to.

@Trini was Double Dutch champion 4 years straight, until a mysterious figure busted her in the knee. Thus ending her DD career. The filling week, a beloved figure skater suffered the same fate. Coincidence??

@Dupacalypse went to Thailand to train for his MMA career. He quit tho after a week. His story "Snatched" hit close to home, and was on verge of uncovering a massive kidding ring in the country.

@AP21 is coming out wit a line of Gucci white belts Fall 2017. This move is so revolutionary, his guests are nervous about attending his fashion show, for fear of a fashion backlash.

@Ironman1 actually applied for the Avengers position, but got turned down. I guess working in HR for Hydra was frowned upon.

@NeighborhoodNomad watches Real Houseskanks of Atlanta/Orange County b/c downtrodden people makes him feel good about himself.

@Bandida use to run 6 chop shops in her city, but was bought out by Uber. She now runs 4 chop shops for Segway a.

@Joshua has metal plate in his neck that gives him great WiFi reception while flying.

@Zagreus is a level 12 Warlock, and stated the Lord of the Rings trilogy is actually his family's bio movie. He she'd tears of joy when he finally got to see their story being told.

@Azlyn is actually a sophisticated pimp, wit the backhand that strikes wit the force of 10 Zeuses if ANY of her bitches and niggas get outta line.

@LadyDu new baby will bring calm in the world once he/she is born. Which why the Trump administration is doing all they can to stop her. There's no money to be made in "peace", only chaos.

@BaldHeadLogic got jumped in a club by a gang of ninjas wit faded haircuts. They got jealous b/c hers outshined them all. She was able to fight them off w/o a scratch, and continued to get lit.

@Moe owns several BBW strip clubs. They only open during the fall and winter seasons b/c that's where most of the money is being made.

@Reesey & @Cain formed a rap group called "2 Kool". Their 1st single "KYS H8trs" is #145 on the Billboard charts, and got nominated for a Grimmy.

@EleanorDeWitt struggles with being a Vegan b/c her love of meat is too strong. To help quell the meat urges, she meditates and calls upon her spirit herbivore animal. It's a brontosaurus.

@InstagramusPrime360 didn't have to get into fights. Why? In high school, he once de-escalated a potential threat from a bully by quickly twisting his pinky finger to the left before he swung on him. Paralyzed the bully's whole left side, and left him in a pool of his own drool. IP360 wasn't bothered with since then once word got around.
GOAT, cannot be beat.