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King Steph

She had an eating disorder and bulimia issues creeping in for many years.

She started out her career as a soaking-wet 89 pounds model (she's 5'5" tall) and slowly made her way around the 120s pounds.
But unless she removed them all from her IG profile, the further you scroll down into her catalogue the greater you start out reckoning signs of latent Lipophilia ("paraphilic" infatuation toward fatness and gaining/bigger people: in her latter case, into emulating onto one's self the very thing. Think about women who are obssessed about getting bustier, thicker or bottom-heavier but without restraint-- and to be honest with you, a lot of women obsessed about getting thick or bottom-heavy are closeted Lipophiles, trust me...) creeping from her content since many years: she was obsessed at the idea to fatten up and seemed more thrilled whenever she had an occassion to overreat.

She tried to compartimentalize this kink through her admiration toward Jessica Rabbit and later, she claimed thay the premature loss of her brother let her indulge on food a little more.
But people like me, @deadeye or perhaps even @IP360 can sees through the scheme. A lot of women who struggles dealing with this kink tries to make it pass as more palatable for themselves and society once they partially embrace it, so that they can enjoy the perks and thrills of fattening up without pushing too far beyond the limitations that the mainstream Body Positivity movement enables them to go.

The thing is that even if she's still stretching on the far-heavier end of acceptable full-figured bodies, it's been five years she's filtring with fat fetishists. You can tell it by the 300-pages long thread at her tribute on one of those white owned F.A. forums she never asked to get removed since then. But the day I started posting about her weight gain journey too on this forum BOOM! She deleted every IG post I've published here and that has been already published on the other forum, even the ones that were almost one decade old.

If you don't mind having your public content on the other forum but deletes it within a matter of hours on a black forum, what else could motivate your double standard besides color prejudice? Hence why to me, Lucy Collett and Sammy08k are thereupon personae non gratas. Black folks shall stop making them any wealthier.

Breh... you lost me at “she started...”