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Karen attacks black woman in Victoria secret and the pigs blame the black woman

Is recording it and bringing awareness to this 🤔 causing Karen's everywhere to think twice? I mean we know this been going on since 4eva. So is change really happening. I feel like companies fire them once the media blows the story up. But then they get hired right back once the outcry dies down. Like that guy in Central Park with the white lady. Man he was like I am not gonna press charges...TF! Why not...examples need to be made. Social media shaming and losing jobs really gonna change behaviors?
Why can’t we use the term “WHITE BITCH” in thread titles?

This “KAREN” shit is a little too cute.

These are some truly dangerous individuals.


Whaddaya say???
You're asking the mod who banned me for calling an unapologetically racist Mexican bitch a bitch...
You're asking the mod who banned me for calling an unapologetically racist Mexican bitch a bitch...
That's not what happened, well, at least in the movie I saw...

But find me a single thread where bitch is in the title. It's not because of some white woman. Cut that shit out