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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

That euro trash homo got banned from twitter for harassing and inciting his racist fanboys to attack a black woman on there.. He also use to work for a WS Alt-right website Breitbart.. plus he just recently worked for a noted racist Majoire Taylor Greene and the homo is friends with racist Nick Fuentes.. But I guess all those racist things or links to racism are just “trolling“…
A good chunk of the things you said to refute me saying hes not a neo-nazi and just a conservative troll, is literally the definition of troll behavior. Greene is a Republican elected official, so if hes a nazi for working with her, then thats all of everyone in the party shes in and most of our government. Idk shit about Nick Fuentes and who his friends are, but that "alt-right" website Breitbart is a heavy right leaning political site that has been around for years before the term "alt-right". They throw the term alt-right on everything now. I'm prob gunna get called that for saying hes not a nazi.

I stand by what I said. Hes a gay republican troll that made a bunch of people mad for trolling them with dumb shit, and their answer to that was to double down on the bullshit they reported and to label him a nazi.

My whole problem with this is political pundits ready to give any and everyone they dont like wild labels to get views and clicks 24/7. Got everyone freaking out and repeating nonsense over minor shit, while they mostly ignore major shit.
Not a good look for Pusha. It’s another one of those comments you could have kept to yourself, but no he choose to speak on it now because it’s something else behind it we just don’t know what it is. But now he looking suspect because there’s basically nothing to be gained by him speaking on it other than him preserving himself somehow


How long til Ye try’s to buy that old bullshit NuSouth and say “WE” taking it back….?