Kanye supports Trump. Koonye says slavery was a choice. Update: Koonye On Support For Trump in New Interview: ‘I’m Definitely Voting This Time’

Welp, this nigga is making coon rap now.


It was a good run, I suppose. If there was any truth to that tweet than Nas need to dump those beats ASAP, shits been contaminated with coon radiation. If I was Push I'd release the shit acapella and let everyone remix it Black Album style

sigh If a weird thinking pro-black MC had to go fully into massa's house I suppose we should be grateful that it wasn't KRS or Mos Def.

Ok and this for me is where the jokes stop.... Now y'all know as a human being he never let go of that hurt, he never forgave dude and this is the reason WHY Kanye is the way he is. His next albums that are supposed to come out in June are gonna be trash because this is a "little boy lost".

It's so Fuckin sad to see too SMMFH. Kim gonna leave him and take aaaalll his shit and whore out his music and legacy if he dies SMMFH. Im not making no more jokes about this shit cuz this is way out there.

She getting money not publishing.

And at this point for the kids safety she has to leave at least for a little while. I heard and seen ppl hurt kids because that person is so hurt from the past and cant let go.

Crazy is crazy and it seem dude is legit coming apart.
I still can’t believe after all this shit he dropped that wack single....time for him to drop a greatest hits album