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Kaepernick back on some clown ish

Bow to Royalty

Just facts

This man said he was training pretty much everyday waiting to get a shot to be back in the NFL. Set up his own private workout for a shot to be back in the NFL. Said over and over again he wants to play again. That didn't work out, so now being in the NFL is like being a slave?

Professional sports have helped the black community greatly by providing wealth, opportunities, and goals. Also, it's given black people the means to create opportunities for other black people to succeed and escape bad situations.

And LOL at him thinking that power dynamic line in the beginning was gonna hit hard. You think players don't know there's a power dynamic with players, assistant coaches, head coaches, GM's and team owners? That's just called a job Colin...power dynamics exist with most jobs. These players have had coaches a good percentage of their lives... they know there's a power dynamic.

It was in reference to the draft, right? Well it ain't hard to see the through line.

It was in reference to the draft, right? Well it ain't hard to see the through line.

Let's not act this basic. The draft isn't just a random even put together to see how athletic random people are. It's an assessment for going to the NFL. A slave auction isn't a random event to see how athletic random people are. It's an assessment for being sold as a slave.

Y'all ever try out for a sport team as a kid? You were running and jumping to impress coaches and be chosen. You had a physical to make sure you were good to perform. Was that a slave auction to you?

Got kids in sports? You selling your kids into slavery when you allow that?
Stop comparing football to fucking slavery.

Shit lame and disrespectful as fuck.
To who? The correlation between the NFL combine and the slave auction are quite clear and obvious. Those pictures don't mirror each other by some happenstance.

Let's not put money at the great equalizer to all ills either. Generations of football players sacrificed their bodies to the alter of the almighty shield and the NFL hid the true impact from those players for decades. And fronted on the money when they got found out.

You grab a bunch of fast and strong kids throw them in the pipeline at a young age and all they gonna do when they get to the money is give it right back, with poor financial habits and white women fetishes. That's a feature not a bug when you give kids who had a free ride due to their athletic prowess a lump sum of money.

NFL stands for Not For Long, right? Well after they done using your body, and destroying your brain, they get rid of you. And what you got to show for it? Let some crackers dangle a non-guaranteed contract with no pension in front of you though and you can't make heads or tails.

Amazon product ASIN 0307353141 - Give it a read if you haven't already.
To who? The correlation between the NFL combine and the slave auction are quite clear and obvious. Those pictures don't mirror each other by some happenstance.

Let's not put money at the great equalizer to all ills either. Generations of football players sacrificed their bodies to the alter of the almighty shield and the NFL hid the true impact from those players for decades. And fronted on the money when they got found out.

You grab a bunch of fast and strong kids throw them in the pipeline at a young age and all they gonna do when they get to the money is give it right back, with poor financial habits and white women fetishes. That's a feature not a bug when you give kids who had a free ride due to their athletic prowess a lump sum of money.

NFL stands for Not For Long, right? Well after they done using your body, and destroying your brain, they get rid of you. And what you got to show for it? Let some crackers dangle a non-guaranteed contract with no pension in front of you though and you can't make heads or tails.

Amazon product ASIN 0307353141 - Give it a read if you haven't already.

Ain’t no correlation between

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Stop disrespecting my ancestors
Let's not act this basic. The draft isn't just a random even put together to see how athletic random people are. It's an assessment for going to the NFL. A slave auction isn't a random event to see how athletic random people are. It's an assessment for being sold as a slave.

Y'all ever try out for a sport team as a kid? You were running and jumping to impress coaches and be chosen. You had a physical to make sure you were good to perform. Was that a slave auction to you?

Got kids in sports? You selling your kids into slavery when you allow that?
There are plenty of differences, primarily between the voluntary nature of the combine and the forced nature of a slave auction. There's no dispute that one is SEVERELY worse than others. But to see no correlation in my estimation is to be willfully obtuse.

The eugenics practiced in slavery is directly related to the athletic prowess of the modern black athlete. Saying as much, doesn't have to in any way diminish the horrors of slavery. It is simply a commentary on the legacy of those practices and how even in a situation that we willingly engage in, shit ain't as sweet as it seems. The clown shit to me is acting like there is no basis for comparison at all. That seems like doing the devils work for him.

We all understands the pitfalls of football on the players who participate in it. My viewpoint is money ain't worth the human cost it has taken on generations of players, who at the end of their career were discarded by funny accounting and bad faith actors who hid the truth from them regarding CTE.

End of the day call it clown shit if you want, I'm not prone to insults, but suit yourself. All I can say in response, is that money didn't stop Junior Seau from shooting himself in the chest so that is brain could be preserved for science.
Some of yall obtuse on purpose. He wasn't the first to make that comparison or will be the last.

When people compare the two they are talking about the power dynamic between the owners and the players. Because you are getting paid dont mean your still now their slave because the owners can take that away ANYTIME they want to when a player steps out of line. They only want their boys to shut up play, entertain them, and mainly make money. Like other poor whites they dont want to hear about you black issues.
Only thing can be close to slavery is the prison system

You just wanna be a disrespectful ass and who ever agree with it.
Ain’t no correlation between

View attachment 685014View attachment 685015

Stop disrespecting my ancestors
Did I say that or did I compare slave auctions to the NFL combine? Because there is a clear distinction being made that you are willingly ignoring to make a point that I am myself not making. But we good, you have no corral with me, I won't ever fault someone for being emotional about the trauma inflicted on those that came before us.
Some of yall obtuse on purpose. He wasn't the first to make that comparison or will be the last.

When people compare the two they are talking about the power dynamic between the owners and the players. Because you are getting paid dont mean your still now their slave because the owners can take that away ANYTIME they want to when a player steps out of line. They only want their boys to shut up play, entertain them, and mainly make money. Like other poor whites they dont want to hear about you black issues.

It has NO correlation between slavery.

I guess your kids is your slaves because it’s a power dynamic.

it’s called working for somebody.
Did I say that or did I compare slave auctions to the NFL combine? Because there is a clear distinction being made that you are willingly ignoring to make a point that I am myself not making. But we good, you have no corral with me, I won't ever fault someone for being emotional about the trauma inflicted on those that came before us.

It’s not slavery.

it has nothing to do with it so it being brought up is dumb.
Only thing can be close to slavery is the prison system

You just wanna be a disrespectful ass and who ever agree with it.
If that's to me, then nah no disrespect. I ain't gonna fault a black man for having a visceral response to slavery, I totally get it and you good in my book. I just disagree with the premise that Bow comes from off top when he talks about Kap.
Let's not act this basic. The draft isn't just a random even put together to see how athletic random people are. It's an assessment for going to the NFL. A slave auction isn't a random event to see how athletic random people are. It's an assessment for being sold as a slave.

Y'all ever try out for a sport team as a kid? You were running and jumping to impress coaches and be chosen. You had a physical to make sure you were good to perform. Was that a slave auction to you?

Got kids in sports? You selling your kids into slavery when you allow that?
