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Just Because Battle: ChiCity vs King Du (ChiCity wins)

Bmw wagon


Go be great
This nigga putting his mom in that closed in buggy with 4 bad ass kids. Can't even hear her Marvin over them kids

Where the lady's gonna put the bingo bags b? Where she gonna put all the groceries and Xmas gifts???

And they gonna steal her rims
Drop the next theme so I can body bag this nigga

This one for Bonnie and CLYDE!
Old people can't drive space ships b

She in her 70's Bruh

That's too much car
Du - 1
Chi - 2

Night out with the boys! All of yall are single. Post what you drinking, eating, and doing. You can type it out or drop pics.

Bottles of Ciroc and whatever they drinking
Wings other handheld snacks. No knifes or forks needed
We at the crib munching and getting a lil tipsy cause in about an hr we doing one more blunt cypher and then we on the prowl

Where the nearest lounge?
Posting pics is a chore for me from mobile

So... I love poker, boxing, and beer

We hitting the casino on fight night... Everybody asking who to put their money on.... We all go pm the same fighter and watch the fight at a bar in the casino with hella beers, hella food, and hella friends at our table

Mostly new friends, cuz I'm hilarious,, and we all went ape shit when our fighter won and everybody tripled their money...

Everybody split up for a while, cuz that's what grown men do in a casino and they find me a few hours later at the final table in a poker tournament....

Oh shit.... Everybody texting everybody "get here quick,, this nigga bout to win 10k!"

Now I got my own cheering section... Niggaz win again, and take the party to the strip club...

You ever really make it rain nigga??

After that,, hit up waffle house...

Laugh at that one homeboy who always try to get the stragglers... And call it a night like 4-5am

Till the next time fellas
So this nigga couldn't afford to decorate his bedroom for Valentines day but he finds time to blow money on Casino's and 'tripling' his money, go to strip clubs to make it rain all the money he won huh

Nigga make over 10 racks but went to a waffle house

Get this nigga THE FUCK OUTTA HERE yo
I been in a relationship for 10 years

This is what I imagine all my single friends are doing
Guess the money he saved on his moms station wagon and a cheap ass flower gift set allowed him to live like Mayweather for a night with his homeboys

And this the nigga yall put ya trust in? 'Scust
I'm a good gambler.


You never seen me on the poker table...

And my boxing bets got me 8 mil pon this site,, and I been robbed countless times