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Just an observation

Let me out on my Professor Z hat on.

TLDR: Human beings are animals. Nature is amoral. Morality is a social construction to reduce intergroup conflict. Human beings are naturally amoral, but are socialized to adhere to the norms and moral beliefs of the group. The belief in God has been declining since the 1800s as education becomes democraticized. What keeps humans in line is their natural inclination to anti-social behavior and how they are socialized.

Humans are animals at the end of the day. We were created by nature. The three ways you die is through disease, violence or old age.

Humans are violent but we do not have a great natural capacity for individual violence due to our bodies. We are small, soft, squish, slow and weak compared to most mammals.

But nature gave us the greatest advantage over other animals. Our social intelligence which gives us the ability to organize. Together we a great capacity for violence, alone, not so much.

The humans that survive are the ones that can band together. Which means they had to have a high level of agreeableness and empathy compared to the other humans to reduce intergroup conflicts.

Social norms, rituals, morality, beliefs are developed to create social cohesion. Human beings born into the band or clan are the socialized, removing their natural anti-social inclinations to behave in a way to benefit the group.

The more advanced the formation of the human organization, the less violent and anti-social the people are within the organization.

As the world becomes more integrated via communication technology and modern economies the less violent and anti-social we have become.

Morality doesn't exist. There is no such thing as good and evil. Right or wrong. There's only prescriptions on how to behave to benefit the group.

By the mid-1800s, most educated people in the West did not believe in God, heaven and hell. The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution completely destroyed the educated belief in Judeo-Christianity. As education has become democraticized the belief in organized religion has become less and less significant as educated people tend not to be religious.

Hell doesn't keep people in line and never did. Shit there's studies that even the law doesn't keep people in line.

What keeps people in line is how prevalent their natural inclination to anti-social behavior is and how they are socialized.
So you're saying exile from society is the biggest deterrent for behavior in opposition to said society?
I'll use the example of human cloning....

It was taking mean minute to think of a good example. But I'll use this...

Now I'll admit that I have not done the research... We're just talking here. I can care less about being right or wrong I just enjoy the dialogue.

But for a long time we've always considered human cloning to be taboo. Off the table. Playing God. Unnatural, immoral.

I'm sure playing God doesn't hold weight any more. And I'm also sure given the right profit, the morality of it goes out the window.

If it can be done, it will be if it already hasn't. Cuz I'm convinced someone who can do it, doesn't give a fuck about any consequences... They only concerned in the profit that can be made

that's real humility and a rare quality on the internet when everyone is trying to pretend their an expert in a field or something or can read one book or article and qualify to that of an article.

Great conversation and while intellectual stimulating it's very much needed conversation. Where do we go morally and ethically from here on out once religion is being phased out? Humanity will decided where it's morals will go whether progressive, recessive or neutral. Bottom line we are the social species and we have instinctual fear of death so we will do everything to persevere our life unless social media is reducing our ability to see further than what we need.
I think it'll go into a self destructive path..

I'm not saying religion kept humanity together ...

But once man has moved past the need for such structure... Eventually self serving purposes will dominate our direction....

Love death and robots is prolly the accurate version of how I think things will end up going.

The episodes with the three robots laughing at how we killed ourselves
I think it'll go into a self destructive path..

I'm not saying religion kept humanity together ...

But once man has moved past the need for such structure... Eventually self serving purposes will dominate our direction....

Love death and robots is prolly the accurate version of how I think things will end up going.

The episodes with the three robots laughing at how we killed ourselves

lol newsflash fam.. self serving purposes already dominates our(humanities) direction even within the structure of religion
lol newsflash fam.. self serving purposes already dominates our(humanities) direction even within the structure of religion
Oh I'm aware people ain't shit...

One of my greatest quotes of all time was telling people how bad they are