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Just an observation

Killing though is natural. Man always has and always will kill each other.

But there has been a progressive drop in morality. Socially as a whole people care less and less about doing what is right. Things like love, honor, goodness, and kindness are less and less encouraged. And almost ridiculed.

People don't strive to be a good person as much. It's much more open to serving yourself and immediate gratification. Ends justifying the means is much more prevalent.

Even in religious wars... People committed horrendous acts under the belief they would be rewarded in an afterlife. It was an honor to die in battle. They went in there under the belief that they were doing a good thing. And their society saw them as good people. Those who were lucky enough to survive again were often honored and considered good people when war was over. Even as recent as American history, we still have standing monuments of war heroes and these are considered because they were "good" people....

My argument is that the entire concept of "good" is making it's exit as people are no longer concerned with those things.

Like in today's age.... Who would you consider a good person?.. It's really tough to answer that question. Where as in many points in society we (as in humans) always has some sort of an idea of what we considered a good person.

And I think there's a significant correlation between that and the belief that one will enter heaven or hell in the afterlife.

Like man is going to kill. That's an absolute.

But killing under the belief that your soul will be rewarded for dying on the battlefield...has always been considered much more honorable and moral than killing for money.... At least in my opinion

I personally dont believe religion is necessary for people being good.

Again, historically morality was being taught before the Abhrahamic religions.

Christian Morality wasnt even a thing until around the 1300 when Thomas Aquinas established it. And even then, Christian Morality and Islamic Morality is based on the philosophy of Aristotle, who lived before either religion was a thing.

The concept of hell didnt even come into existence until Christian missionaries went to Scandanavia and got introduced to Hel.

I say all that to say, what we call good and evil was established in Greece and Persia, both before Abrahamic religions.

And today, we still follow those basis. And these are the current definitions of good and evil. They all have their roots in Greek philosophy, mostly Aristotle.

What we call good and evil didnt start with abrahamic religions. So to say people need religion to be good is historically false.

There are good people. And there are bad people. There are more good people in the world than good people. The issue is that a bad action has more impact than a good action, so it feels like there are more bad people.

I can see why you feel how you do, but historical precedence says thats not true.
The afterlife, whether it's eternal paradise or eternal damnation shouldn't be the motivating factor for people not to be pieces of shit in THIS life.

Treat others how you would like to be treated... seems like a pretty straight forward concept but that aint how this world overall operates for the most part.. whether religion is present or not

Fam even then, the golden rule is treat others how you would want to be treated.

Confucius talked about the golden rule as the tenant to live by 600 years before Christianity.

And Confucius' philosophy when it came to God was dont worry about God. He was on some we dont understand the heavens and trying to understand it is a waste of time. He was all about how we should live in this world. No thoughts of an afterlife. And even he talked about living life based on the golden rule.

There are Egyptian Heiroglyphics from 4,000 years ago that say do onto others how you want to be treated.

These are way before modern religions. Egypt had a religion, but not how we understand religion.

To say we need religion for morality has no historical prescendence.

And to make it clear, I studied morality a ton back in the day, im not pulling these out of thin air, these are facts.
the internet ruined us as a species lol smh. Never been this easy to mobilize, influence, divide and conquer mankind as today. Morality, hell common decency is at an alltime low because society (through the shamelessness of social media in correlation with the constant fear mongering of politicians ) is at an all time low lol.

Remember the feeling you had back when dial up internet was a thing and you spent several hours in a row online not doing shit? We let that shit get out of hand and now people can’t leave the house without their computer … not because we’re afraid of missing a phone call but because we‘ve transformed in attention seeking shameless hoes .
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The afterlife, whether it's eternal paradise or eternal damnation shouldn't be the motivating factor for people not to be pieces of shit in THIS life.
It shouldn't... But it is.. for a lot of people.

But that number is getting smaller and smaller, and I think it can attribute to what I feel is a decline in mortality.

People are no longer concerned if they "should" do something..... They just do what they please
the internet ruined us as a species lol smh. Never been this easy to mobilize, influence, divide and conquer mankind as today. Morality, hell common decency is at an alltime low because society (through the shamelessness of social media in correlation with the constant fear mongering of politicians ) is at an all time low lol.

Remember the feeling you had back when dial up internet was a thing and you spent several hours in a row online not doing shit? We let that shit get out of hand and now people can’t leave the house without their computer … not because we’re afraid of missing a phone call but because we‘ve transformed in attention seeking shameless hoes .

I think this is it. If we want to really figure out why morality seems to be slipping (which i dont think it is), we can blame the internet generally, and social media specifically.

But imo, there are still more people that are good. Its just social media makes it look like the opposite. Majority of people arent even on social media.
@AZTG I respect understand and read your posts....

But they also speak to the natural evolution of man....

Every few millennia man as a whole.... Evolves. The good or bad of it might be subjective, but I don't see people reverting to the teacheings if Confucius or Aristotle....

I used to love talking about Plato's definition of the good life.... And while they're all wonderful and influential philosophers their time has come and gone..

The time of the church will soon be over as well. Now my perspective is solely from America but if we're seeing less and less devout people over all religions there could be a time when damn near everything is phased out.

And there's not really much respect for the government, authority or the law of the land...

But people are still people. So it just makes me wonder where we go next?
the internet ruined us as a species lol smh. Never been this easy to mobilize, influence, divide and conquer mankind as today. Morality, hell common decency is at an alltime low because society (through the shamelessness of social media in correlation with the constant fear mongering of politicians ) is at an all time low lol.

Remember the feeling you had back when dial up internet was a thing and you spent several hours in a row online not doing shit? We let that shit get out of hand and now people can’t leave the house without their computer … not because we’re afraid of missing a phone call but because we‘ve transformed in attention seeking shameless hoes .
And that transformation into shamelessly seeking attention has been monetized....

And when people realize that they can profit from something

They will do it. 10 times outta 10

Profit over shadows the concept of good vs bad.
I'll use the example of human cloning....

It was taking mean minute to think of a good example. But I'll use this...

Now I'll admit that I have not done the research... We're just talking here. I can care less about being right or wrong I just enjoy the dialogue.

But for a long time we've always considered human cloning to be taboo. Off the table. Playing God. Unnatural, immoral.

I'm sure playing God doesn't hold weight any more. And I'm also sure given the right profit, the morality of it goes out the window.

If it can be done, it will be if it already hasn't. Cuz I'm convinced someone who can do it, doesn't give a fuck about any consequences... They only concerned in the profit that can be made
I'll use the example of human cloning....

It was taking mean minute to think of a good example. But I'll use this...

Now I'll admit that I have not done the research... We're just talking here. I can care less about being right or wrong I just enjoy the dialogue.

But for a long time we've always considered human cloning to be taboo. Off the table. Playing God. Unnatural, immoral.

I'm sure playing God doesn't hold weight any more. And I'm also sure given the right profit, the morality of it goes out the window.

If it can be done, it will be if it already hasn't. Cuz I'm convinced someone who can do it, doesn't give a fuck about any consequences... They only concerned in the profit that can be made

I mean depending on who you ask many scientific advancements can be deemed as "playing god"

Arent there still some religious folks out there that refuse medical treatment and will let things take their "natural" course no matter what?

I guess the main thing is where do we draw the line on what is moral and ethical.. and I say that while also feeling like religion overall shouldnt be the guiding hand or the thing that determines what is moral and ethical
I mean depending on who you ask many scientific advancements can be deemed as "playing god"

Arent there still some religious folks out there that refuse medical treatment and will let things take their "natural" course no matter what?

I guess the main thing is where do we draw the line on what is moral and ethical.. and I say that while also feeling like religion overall shouldnt be the guiding hand or the thing that determines what is moral and ethical
People who resist science will 100% die off....

Like that's not even a question. They won't be around the next few generations.

150-200 years from now..... EVERYBODY taking them vaccines.

The entire mindset of what's right and wrong will be entirely different if we don't kill ourselves in a nuclear winter by then
People who resist science will 100% die off....

Like that's not even a question. They won't be around the next few generations.

150-200 years from now..... EVERYBODY taking them vaccines.

The entire mindset of what's right and wrong will be entirely different if we don't kill ourselves in a nuclear winter by then

thats the thing tho.. while many of those who resist science might die off if they refuse medical care and all that... the ones that pull through even after rejecting it will be even more emboldened to believe it was their faith alone that kept them alive.

Overall, I think for those that need it.. religion can be a beautiful, enriching and life enhancing thing.
It can also be destructive, divisive and dangerous.. just like any other thing in this world if utilized the wrong way
People who resist science will 100% die off....

Like that's not even a question. They won't be around the next few generations.

150-200 years from now..... EVERYBODY taking them vaccines.

The entire mindset of what's right and wrong will be entirely different if we don't kill ourselves in a nuclear winter by then

The reason we havent found any intelligent life forms is this. There is a good chance that whenever a civilization gets to where we are now, it destroys itself.

Either through a nuclear weapon, or by destroying the climate and making the world we live uninhabitable.

Not saying intelligent life dont exist, cause im sure it does. But a very small percentage of intelligent civilizations get passed the threshold we are in now. By the time intelligent civilizations get to where we are now, it ends up killing itself.
The reason we havent found any intelligent life forms is this. There is a good chance that whenever a civilization gets to where we are now, it destroys itself.

Either through a nuclear weapon, or by destroying the climate and making the world we live uninhabitable.

Not saying intelligent life dont exist, cause im sure it does. But a very small percentage of intelligent civilizations get passed the threshold we are in now. By the time intelligent civilizations get to where we are now, it ends up killing itself.

I might I might agree... but what are you basing this on?
I might I might agree... but what are you basing this on?

Scientists. Lmaooo. These arent my ideas. Scientists call this theory the Great Filter.

Basically, the theory is that there is a barrier when a civilization is ready to go to the next stage of the Kardeshev scale where it ends up destroying itself. Either through war, or through destroying their planet.

And if you look at humanity, it kind of sounds right. Not only because we looking at things from the eyes of a human, but also because life and civilization exhausts resources. No such thing as a free lunch. And you get to a point where if you cant find a way to get these resources externally, you will collapse.

Heres a link about a study published by Caltech on the great filter. They didnt create it, but they did a good job explaining.

I remember reading the actual study a while back. You can probably find it online.

I solely blame these hypocritical azzz so-called "Christians" for the decline.

Majority of them only cherry pick the Word of God...just for their own personal benefit. I think people nowadays are coming up wit their own standards of what heaven and hell is too them.
Also church is destined to die.

I thought about writing a book about it.

My synopsis...

The government starts taxing churches. Immediate result is the smaller churches.. the ones that actually serve the community. They die.

Folks from smaller churches can't conform to the mega churches and basically abandon faith. The mega churches adapt and much more visible commercial stance and bastardize everything.

Like you pay admission to get in. You can go to a concession stand while there.... They serve beer and have restaurants n shit. And really try to make it like it's still about the word when it's clearly about an the business.

Would y'all read that?
Scientists. Lmaooo. These arent my ideas. Scientists call this theory the Great Filter.

Basically, the theory is that there is a barrier when a civilization is ready to go to the next stage of the Kardeshev scale where it ends up destroying itself. Either through war, or through destroying their planet.

And if you look at humanity, it kind of sounds right. Not only because we looking at things from the eyes of a human, but also because life and civilization exhausts resources. No such thing as a free lunch. And you get to a point where if you cant find a way to get these resources externally, you will collapse.

Heres a link about a study published by Caltech on the great filter. They didnt create it, but they did a good job explaining.

I remember reading the actual study a while back. You can probably find it online.

This why I gotta do more research on shit

I be looking at shit, having my personal thoughts, and come to find out it's a whole thing niggaz did studies on..... This shit sounds like a rabbit hole night 🤦🏿‍♂️😫
I solely blame these hypocritical azzz so-called "Christians" for the decline.

Majority of them only cherry pick the Word of God...just for their own personal benefit. I think people nowadays are coming up wit their own standards of what heaven and hell is too them.
Yeah this is what I was trying to avoid with the thread.

This why I gotta do more research on shit

I be looking at shit, having my personal thoughts, and come to find out it's a whole thing niggaz did studies on..... This shit sounds like a rabbit hole night 🤦🏿‍♂️😫

Lmaooo. Facts. We like 100 seconds away from the doomsday clock.
Lmaooo. Facts. We like 100 seconds away from the doomsday clock.
I always loved philosophy, I've always loved conversations about the unknown.

It's just so much out there we really don't know..... And we'll never know. But the average person thinks they know it all.. Which makes humans a walking paradox.

Shits wild