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People are so funny when it comes to judging rap. Niggas will call albums classics but song for song they'll call another album (any Drake album for example) not a classic because of their personal bias.

Like, If TPAB and FHD are classics, then judging by the same merits, Take Care is a classic.

But, niggas personal opinions on Drake and his style won't let them admit that. Their personal bias and critique of his music won't allow them to acknowledge that they are grading their own shit in a skewed manner.

The same way niggas try to clown Drake for singing is no different that clowning Kendrick or Cole for the funny voice flows or NyQuil flows.

All three of them have their very pointed and talked about flaws. It's just funny how Drake's flaws are irredeemable but Cole and Kendrick can get bypassed for it.
Music opinions and critiques will NEVER be 100 objective because it is art. People will ingest and interpret it differently. Whether it be a classic album, legend status or whatever else it will always be a form of subjectivity and bias in those discussions...which is why I always lean towards the criteria that's not subjective...

Impact on culture
Longevity/Replay value/timeless

there are MANY albums and artists that I don't like...but it doesn't prevent me from acknowledging the fact that a piece of art or an artist is highly regarded by the culture AND I don't do my best to try invalidate it because I have a differing opinion.
To pimp a butterfly is like watching 12 yrs a slave or Roots

It’s not fun but it is great. You might not wanna hear it all the time, but it sticks with you

This is perfect because TPAB is not Roots in this analogy. It's 12 years a slave. Is Roots a classic movie? Yes. Is 12 years A Slave a classic movie? No. It's not even the best Slavery themed movie of it era. Just like there have been way more popular conscious albums than TPAB.

So then why is TBAP more like 12YAS and less like Roots? It's because just like 12YAS, TPAB was a period piece of music that fit the tumultuous time were we in as a society.

12YAS got such a huge push for 2 reasons. One was that people were using the existence of the movie itself to try and change the discourse about Black people and Slavery themed movies which is ironic. The other reason was the very obvious push to get Black actors recognized at ceremonies like The Oscars and get on that stage. Mission accomplished. It won Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress.

But, what's funny about 12YAS is that a mere 2 years after winning those awards at the Oscars, the #OscarsSoWhite movement was started. That creation of the movement itself diminishes the acclaim of the movie and it's more associated as a good movie for the time period in which it dropped in 2013 and not recognized as a classic with staying power like Roots.

TPAB is 12 years A Slave. A good piece of work that won some awards but is more remembered for the moment that it created than the actually quality of the piece of work itself.

TPAB isn't on the level of Roots. In fact, DAMN is more close to being on a ROOTS level as a piece of work than TPAB. You can clearly see there there is a worlds difference between 12 Years A Slave and Roots. TPAB is on the lower echelon like 12 Years A Slave is.
This is perfect because TPAB is not Roots in this analogy. It's 12 years a slave. Is Roots a classic movie? Yes. Is 12 years A Slave a classic movie? No. It's not even the best Slavery themed movie of it era. Just like there have been way more popular conscious albums than TPAB.

So then why is TBAP more like 12YAS and less like Roots? It's because just like 12YAS, TPAB was a period piece of music that fit the tumultuous time were we in as a society.

12YAS got such a huge push for 2 reasons. One was that people were using the existence of the movie itself to try and change the discourse about Black people and Slavery themed movies which is ironic. The other reason was the very obvious push to get Black actors recognized at ceremonies like The Oscars and get on that stage. Mission accomplished. It won Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress.

But, what's funny about 12YAS is that a mere 2 years after winning those awards at the Oscars, the #OscarsSoWhite movement was started. That creation of the movement itself diminishes the acclaim of the movie and it's more associated as a good movie for the time period in which it dropped in 2013 and not recognized as a classic with staying power like Roots.

TPAB is 12 years A Slave. A good piece of work that won some awards but is more remembered for the moment that it created than the actually quality of the piece of work itself.

TPAB isn't on the level of Roots. In fact, DAMN is more close to being on a ROOTS level as a piece of work than TPAB. You can clearly see there there is a worlds difference between 12 Years A Slave and Roots. TPAB is on the lower echelon like 12 Years A Slave is.
completely disagree with this fam lol

but I appreciate the level of effort and the passion you got about this
This is perfect because TPAB is not Roots in this analogy. It's 12 years a slave. Is Roots a classic movie? Yes. Is 12 years A Slave a classic movie? No. It's not even the best Slavery themed movie of it era. Just like there have been way more popular conscious albums than TPAB.

So then why is TBAP more like 12YAS and less like Roots? It's because just like 12YAS, TPAB was a period piece of music that fit the tumultuous time were we in as a society.

12YAS got such a huge push for 2 reasons. One was that people were using the existence of the movie itself to try and change the discourse about Black people and Slavery themed movies which is ironic. The other reason was the very obvious push to get Black actors recognized at ceremonies like The Oscars and get on that stage. Mission accomplished. It won Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress.

But, what's funny about 12YAS is that a mere 2 years after winning those awards at the Oscars, the #OscarsSoWhite movement was started. That creation of the movement itself diminishes the acclaim of the movie and it's more associated as a good movie for the time period in which it dropped in 2013 and not recognized as a classic with staying power like Roots.

TPAB is 12 years A Slave. A good piece of work that won some awards but is more remembered for the moment that it created than the actually quality of the piece of work itself.

TPAB isn't on the level of Roots. In fact, DAMN is more close to being on a ROOTS level as a piece of work than TPAB. You can clearly see there there is a worlds difference between 12 Years A Slave and Roots. TPAB is on the lower echelon like 12 Years A Slave is.
but to pimp a butterfly didn’t create a moment a moment happened, and the people went back and said yes this is what we are feeling
I thought this, and now I see other people saying that Cole is throwing darts at Kendrick about that song where he talks about trans people and almost got canceled or whatever
I said fan wars was coming

The niggas who won’t be objective about this you just gotta take it for what’s it worth.

Drake easily the leader in the clubhouse up here. The Niggas that will hate just about everything about fam is half the site if not more. Clearly the most hated

The Kendrick list is about a strong 8 posters frothing at the mouth. Not deep in numbers but they’re ravenous.

I gotta get the Cole list together. I know it’s some out there. IC era they were out full force, more Splinter Cell-ish here now. They’re among us though.

It would much better if certain niggas just said I treat this like late 90’s early 00’s wrasslin & because I love Triple H I hate Stone Cold and The Rock or vice versa.
On the main diss, one of Cole’s angles gotta be Dot turning Wyclef & getting his singing on when both been on track’s together everything post Temptation .
I said fan wars was coming

The niggas who won’t be objective about this you just gotta take it for what’s it worth.

Drake easily the leader in the clubhouse up here. The Niggas that will hate just about everything about fam is half the site if not more. Clearly the most hated

The Kendrick list is about a strong 8 posters frothing at the mouth. Not deep in numbers but they’re ravenous.

I gotta get the Cole list together. I know it’s some out there. IC era they were out full force, more Splinter Cell-ish here now. They’re among us though.

It would much better if certain niggas just said I treat this like late 90’s early 00’s wrasslin & because I love Triple H I hate Stone Cold and The Rock or vice versa.

“You can say that you don't pick sides, but eventually life will force you to pick a side.
Remember that song on Mr. morale and the big steppers where he talks about his Aunt being a man and the song where he talks about having a gay cousin, and his parents being afraid that he got molested But he didn’t?

There was a short online controversy about some of the words he used in that song about his aunt

On the song with Ab and day I think he says something about you almost got canceled and come out the closet to paraphrase

I’m driving so I can’t really get the exact quotes right now
Remember that song on Mr. morale and the big steppers where he talks about his Aunt being a man and the song where he talks about having a gay cousin, and his parents being afraid that he got molested But he didn’t?

There was a short online controversy about some of the words he used in that song about his aunt

On the song with Ab and day I think he says something about you almost got canceled and come out the closet to paraphrase

I’m driving so I can’t really get the exact quotes right now
lol don’t nobody remember that shit

Album did not get the replay activity
“You can say that you don't pick sides, but eventually life will force you to pick a side.
Picking a side or a winner?

I’ll def pick a winner when the dust settles. If Ovo, Dreamville or PgLang send a check I’ll pick a side.

I hate Em musically. Won’t be objective I own it. You hate Dot (for reasons we both know) just embrace it and be free