I've Been Thinking About Trying Open Mic Comedy, But....

I had a coworker who wanted to do the same thing. She finishing up a set now. My advice? Just get up there and do it my friend. However if you do go down this road just remember this...you will bomb! It may not be your first time up, may not be your second, third, fourth, etc. But at some point, you will bomb.

Even the greats like Rock, Chappelle, Carlin, Pryor, etc. have bombed at some point in their careers.
I really was thinking about doing this all summer.....

Just never got the nerve.....

My face book statuses were jumping this summer, mad people were telling me to do it
I actually saw homie live before he died... He was pretty good on stage

Ah, gotcha. We not gonna agree on this then. I was asking because he's my prime example of 'all funny is not created equal'. That nigga stand up is mediocre, at best, to me. And that's because there are two different types of funny. CM is the same type of funny that I am, meaning he's witty and has a funny outlook one things and (unlike me) describes things in a funny way. He was like 'around the way' funny. But when it comes to getting on stage and telling JOKES...that shit is something different entirely.
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