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Issa sick world - Nuns Raped Girls with Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church


Unverified Legion of Trill member
ROME—‘Marie’ was placed in a French Catholic boarding school for “young girls from good families” when she was in the 5th grade. She remembers a nun who would come to her class every day to choose a student to help her with mass. But the nun wasn’t looking for someone to help her, she was looking for a victim. “I was 11 and looked 9. She would choose me once every two or three times,” she recalls. “She would take me to her office, lock the door and then draw the curtains. After which she would put me on her knees to make me read the gospel according to Saint Paul or another saint, while she squeezed me with one hand to her chest and pulled down my panties with the other hand. We were of course in a pleated skirts and not in pants. It terrified me and paralyzed.”

‘Marie’ couldn’t talk to her devout Catholic parents about the abuse until a friend convinced her to do so. The result, she says, was catastrophic. “You are really a pervert, a vicious liar, how dare you say such things?” her parents told her. In fact, her parents had told the nuns that she was being sent to boarding school because she needed to be tamed. “I was truly [a gift] for this nun... because she knew full well that she did not risk anything.” The abuse lasted the whole year. At the age of 35, ‘Marie’ told her mother again about the abuse. “My mother blissfully told me that it was impossible for a nun to whom she entrusted her daughter to abuse a girl,” she says. “Female pedophilia exists and unfortunately the media never talk about it.”

Marie’ was certainly not alone. Dozens of other victims of priests, nuns and Catholic school personnel in France form the basis of a 2,500 page report released on Tuesday by a special commission led by Jean-Marc Sauvé. While 80 percent of the victims were young boys between the ages of 10 and 13, many young girls were abused as well, and not only by priests. Nuns used crucifixes to rape little girls or forced boys to have sex with them, too.

The commission spent nearly three years combing through complaints and press reports and interviewing victims going back to the 1950s. Of the 3,000 abusers identified by the commission, two-thirds are priests. They found that priests and nuns alone abused around 216,000 children, but that the number climbs to 330,000 when they counted abuse at the hands of non-clergy who worked in Catholic schools and other institutions. The report only covers minors and the authors, who include scholars, psychologists and law enforcement officials, say there could be many young men and women over the age of 18 who were also victims.

Their summary is damning, determining that the Catholic Church in France showed “a deep, cruel indifference toward victims.”

Olivier Savignac was another of those victims. He wanted to believe the priest in his home parish in France was a devout man. But when the priest asked him to take off his clothes and lie on the bed in a room at a Catholic summer camp when he was 13 years old, he knew something wasn’t right. “I perceived this priest as someone who was good, a caring person who would not harm me,” said Savignac, who now heads a group for victims of clerical sex abuse. “But it was when I found myself on that bed half-naked and he was touching me that I realized something was wrong.”
Savignac says the abuse, which went on for years, damaged him for life: “It’s like a growing cyst, it’s like gangrene inside the victim’s body and the victim’s psyche.”
Only 22 of the thousands of cases of criminal pedophilia qualify under French law for legal action. More than 40 cases that are past the statutes of limitations have been forwarded to the French Catholic Church in hopes that the perpetrators will be punished. On average, each perpetrator abused 70 children. The President of the French Conference of Bishops Eric de Moulins-Beaufort said the Church is “appalled” by the report. “I wish on that day to ask for pardon, pardon to each of you,” he told the victims.
Survivor victim Francois Devaux, who founded the victims group La Parole Liberee, attended the presentation of the report. “You are a disgrace to our humanity,” he said, addressing the church as a whole. “In this hell there have been abominable mass crimes ... but there has been even worse, betrayal of trust, betrayal of morale, betrayal of children.”
As someone who went to Catholic school from Prek til the end of 10th grade them shits is basically a long term form of indoctrination. And it's indoctrination to Catholicism moreso than overall Christianity. Them denominations got real live beef. I'm against all religious based schooling.
I went to catholic high school in 9th and 10th grade. Never did I attend the confessionals. The priest of the high school always asked boys to join him for forgiveness.

I pretty much forced my way out by not doing my school work. They kicked me out cuz of grades.

My dad agreed that wasn't the environment for me to do good in school
The issue boils down to them being women, and in our society women are rarely ever looked upon as sexual predators despite the body of research that states that female sexual predators, both heterosexual and homosexual, are just as prevalent as male sexual predators. Society has deemed women/girls as incapable of sexual assault or rape because of the feminist ideology that rape is about power, not sex, which has also been debunked quite often over the years. Because females are looked upon as "the weaker sex", combined with the whole "rape is about power", renders them incapable of rape in the public eye. However, I've posted an academic study or two on this board that completely eviscerates that notion: women can and do rape, particularly when it comes to younger victims and when that happens they need to be called out as not only child molesters/rapists, but as pedophiles as well.

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Wait...so you're saying if a woman commits rape, the act of rape isn't about power at all?

Rape has NEVER been about power regardless of the sex of the perp; it's always about sex first and foremost. While there may be some aspect of power in the background (i.e. Harvey Weinsten), sex is the purest motivating factor behind rape. The desire to have sex with the victim is front and center.
Rape has NEVER been about power regardless of the sex of the perp; it's always about sex first and foremost. While there may be some aspect of power in the background (i.e. Harvey Weinsten), sex is the purest motivating factor behind rape. The desire to have sex with the victim is front and center.
Then rape is about power...and definitely as cut and dry as you've stated

But I didn't see who made this post before I quoted so I'll stop here
Then rape is about power...and definitely as cut and dry as you've stated

But I didn't see who made this post before I quoted so I'll stop here

Sexual desire is the core motivating factor behind rape. Power is secondary, if present at all.

"... Viewed dispassionately, the "rape is about power, not sex" claim appears problematic on its face. First, human behavior is multiply determined. Meaningful human events have more than one reason and are shaped by more than a single motive or force. Rape is a human event. It is motivated by more than one thing. Second, to claim that sex—one of our most powerful motives (our species’ existence depends on it, after all)—is somehow absent from an act that routinely involves erection, vaginal penetration, and ejaculation defies reason. Arguing that rape is not about sex is akin to asserting that gun violence is not about guns. Both claims betray an incomplete and politicized view..."
The point I was making though, @Scandalust313 , is that for the longest I've been making the case that female sexual predators not only exist, but they're just as prevalent as male sexual predators despite what folks "feel" about viewing girls and women as predators. "Rape is about power" is the factor that confuses people when it comes to female sexual predators, and it's that very notion that has allowed them to get away with rape, child molestation, and sexual assault almost completely unnoticed for decades.
I think you're misunderstanding the premise. People don't typically rape people who they don't have some degree of power over. I'd say it's probably pretty rare.

Take this story, for example. The nuns clearly had an extreme degree of power over their victims. They weren't out there raping priests and other nuns.
I think you're misunderstanding the premise. People don't typically rape people who they don't have some degree of power over. I'd say it's probably pretty rare.

Take this story, for example. The nuns clearly had an extreme degree of power over their victims. They weren't out there raping priests and other nuns.

Um... yeah, nuns do rape other nuns (when they weren't getting raped by the priests). Yeah, that's a thing as well, shit started coming out a few years ago when stories like this started to come out. Shit made it all the way to the Vatican. It wasn't just nuns and children, it was also priests raping nuns as well as nuns raping one another.

As I said earlier: Sexual desire is front and center when it comes to rape. Power is secondary, if it's there at all. The pedophile ass nuns sexually desired these girls and used their power over them to get what they wanted. Sex first, power was just the means to achieve the desired result.

And again, my response was aimed at the notion that women and girls aren't sexual predators as men and boys are despite the fact that I've repeatedly posted information directly contradicting that.
Um... yeah, nuns do rape other nuns (when they weren't getting raped by the priests). Yeah, that's a thing as well, shit started coming out a few years ago when stories like this started to come out. Shit made it all the way to the Vatican. It wasn't just nuns and children, it was also priests raping nuns as well as nuns raping one another.

As I said earlier: Sexual desire is front and center when it comes to rape. Power is secondary, if it's there at all. The pedophile ass nuns sexually desired these girls and used their power over them to get what they wanted. Sex first, power was just the means to achieve the desired result.

And again, my response was aimed at the notion that women and girls aren't sexual predators as men and boys are despite the fact that I've repeatedly posted information directly contradicting that.

I think we can all agree that rapists come in all shapes, sizes and colors. But it's also important to understand that there's usually a power dynamic at play. If a nun rapes another nun (i really didn't feel like I needed to point out that, of course, there are exceptions) you can probably bet that it's not a novice raping Mother Superior.
Also, for the record, I think your assertion that there are just as many female rapists as there are male is preposterous and I'd love to see any data at all supporting that that. The idea that rape is related to power is a relatively new one whereas rape has been around since there have been people. It's well documented.