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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

What do you think Uncle Sam did in Iraq , Syria , Afghanistan, Mogadishu, Vietnam, Iran , central America & South America. It's estimated that a million people died in the middle East from NATO forces

America has done some evil shit no doubt. That said, Israel dropped the same number of bombs in 2-3 weeks that the U.S. dropped in the worst year of the war in Afghanistan. Think about that. With all the bullshit the U.S. has done, this country has never tried to wipe a group of people off the Earth. You have Israeli officials saying that's exactly what they want to do. When U.S. soldiers get caught doing war crimes, there is outrage in the U.S. and those soldiers usually face some kind of consequences. When Israeli soldiers get caught on tape killing innocent children and unarmed civilians, they get called heroes and are celebrated by the Israeli public. There are levels to this shit. If the U.S. is evil for all that shit you named, then what do we say about Israel?
America has done some evil shit no doubt. That said, Israel dropped the same number of bombs in 2-3 weeks that the U.S. dropped in the worst year of the war in Afghanistan. Think about that. With all the bullshit the U.S. has done, this country has never tried to wipe a group of people off the Earth. You have Israeli officials saying that's exactly what they want to do. When U.S. soldiers get caught doing war crimes, there is outrage in the U.S. and those soldiers usually face some kind of consequences. When Israeli soldiers get caught on tape killing innocent children and unarmed civilians, they get called heroes and are celebrated by the Israeli public. There are levels to this shit. If the U.S. is evil for all that shit you named, then what do we say about Israel?
Nah they just enslaved one for hundreds of years.

You aight?
Nah they just enslaved one for hundreds of years.

You aight?

lol What are ya'll doing? Israel is committing a genocide right now, and ya'll trying to deflect from that discussion by bringing up crimes against humanity that the U.S. ended damn near 200 years ago.

America has done some very evil shit over the course of its existence. Does that somehow make what Israel is doing now ok? I'm trying to understand the point of this path of discussion ya'll are going down.
lol What are ya'll doing? Israel is committing a genocide right now, and ya'll trying to deflect from that discussion by bringing up crimes against humanity that the U.S. ended damn near 200 years ago.

America has done some very evil shit over the course of its existence. Does that somehow make what Israel is doing now ok? I'm trying to understand the point of this path of discussion ya'll are going down.
No one is saying what Israel is doing is ok we're saying America been complicit way before biden and both countries have put numbers on the board as far as killing goes. America even more so. 🤷🏿‍♂️
No one is saying what Israel is doing is ok we're saying America been complicit way before biden and both countries have put numbers on the board as far as killing goes. America even more so. 🤷🏿‍♂️

No doubt. But it's weird for me to say the shit that Israel is doing is evil and then have niggas like "Well America has done evil too."

That's the kinda thing CACs pull whenever they get called out on their racist bullshit.
No doubt. But it's weird for me to say the shit that Israel is doing is evil and then have niggas like "Well America has done evil too."

That's the kinda thing CACs pull whenever they get called out on their racist bullshit.
Nah this what about ism is valid. We complain about Israel but act like our countries haven't been complicit for decades. If you can't say anything about it now when is the more appropriate time?
Nah this what about ism is valid. We complain about Israel but act like our countries haven't been complicit for decades. If you can't say anything about it now when is the more appropriate time?

People are saying it though. Biden's numbers have dropped because he's not doing more to stop what's going on. Criticism of the actions that nations are taking now that are helping Israel commit these atrocities is perfectly fine. Bringing up unrelated shit that nations did decades and even centuries ago seems like a deflection.
America has done some evil shit no doubt. That said, Israel dropped the same number of bombs in 2-3 weeks that the U.S. dropped in the worst year of the war in Afghanistan. Think about that. With all the bullshit the U.S. has done, this country has never tried to wipe a group of people off the Earth. You have Israeli officials saying that's exactly what they want to do. When U.S. soldiers get caught doing war crimes, there is outrage in the U.S. and those soldiers usually face some kind of consequences. When Israeli soldiers get caught on tape killing innocent children and unarmed civilians, they get called heroes and are celebrated by the Israeli public. There are levels to this shit. If the U.S. is evil for all that shit you named, then what do we say about Israel?
How did an estimated million people die in the Middle East in 17 years of lies on weapons of mass destruction, staged gas attacks with the news spreading propaganda & withholding the truth ?
How did an estimated million people die in the Middle East in 17 years of lies on weapons of mass destruction, staged gas attacks with the news spreading propaganda & withholding the truth ?

Again, what is your point?

That shit has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. If you want to talk about how fucked up America's foreign policy has been, make that topic and we can all go in there and pile on. But bringing up Americas evils when we're discussion Israel is doing and what should be done about that is pointless.
Israel is like America's lil bro. They are as strong as they are and able to do what they do solely because of our support whether it be financial or military.

So when lil bro starts acting up and we can't keep em in check we hold the same accountability for enabling this bullshit. If not in your eyes then for sure in Israel's enemies eyes.

We are 100% complicit in this genocide. Don't be fooled into believing our government doesn't support what's going on.
Where are all the super duper militant pro-black people? They should be on the Dems asses trying to get them to give all this money we give to Israel to black people as reparations. lol
Where are all the super duper militant pro-black people? They should be on the Dems asses trying to get them to give all this money we give to Israel to black people as reparations. lol
This country will never give the black man anything so get that out of your mind . A real politician will tell you that reparations will never come to blacks in America
This country will never give the black man anything so get that out of your mind . A real politician will tell you that reparations will never come to blacks in America

I don't necessarily agree with that. 20 years ago, the idea of reparations wouldn't have even been considered. More recently they've gotten to a point where they've had Congressional hearings over it. I believe if people keep putting pressure on politicians and we get the right people in seats, that something could happen. Whether it will be what proponents of reparations actually want is a different story. I personally think that a series of policies meant to undo the damage caused by the racist policies in the past would be good, but others think it should be money or nothing.